American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Galuskin E V, Galuskina I O, Lazic B, Armbruster T, Zadov A E, Krzykawski T,
Banasik K, Gazeev V M, Pertsev N N
European Journal of Mineralogy 23 (2011) 837-844
Rusinovite, Ca10(Si2O7)3Cl2: a new skarn mineral from the Upper Chegem caldera,
Kabardino-Balkaria, Northern Caucasus, Russia
Locality: Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino-Balkaria, Northern Caucasus, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0018806
3.7617 16.9385 17.3196 90 90 90 Cmcm
atom     x       y      z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca1      0  .43099    .75      .0136  .0141  .0141  .0126      0      0      0
Ca2     .5  .21839 .60865     .01749  .0147  .0144  .0234      0      0 -.0005
Ca3      0  .03277 .59699      .0211  .0163  .0119  .0351      0      0  .0031
Si1  .4328 -.11805 .55041  .5  .0105  .0098  .0099  .0117 -.0001 -.0005  .0005
Si2  .9300  .11164    .75  .5  .0139   .016  .0117  .0137  .0000      0      0
O1    .451 -.05630 .61745  .5   .014   .013  .0131  .0155  .0033 -.0007  .0005
O2      .5   .1194  .7321 .25   .027   .009   .035   .037      0      0   .005
O3       0   .0957  .4601  .5  .0129   .010   .010   .019      0      0  -.001
O4   .4268  .09543 .53484  .5  .0165   .015  .0203  .0142  .0015  .0054  .0039
O5       0  .29067 .56891      .0179  .0183  .0091  .0264      0      0  .0031
O6    .948   .1480  .6698  .5   .023   .026  .0187  .0241  .0019  -.010  .0078
O7       0   .0166    .75      .0188  .0191  .0088   .029      0      0      0
Cl      .5  .31227    .75      .0188  .0185  .0133  .0247      0      0      0
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