American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Schmetzer K, Nuber B, Abraham K
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 136 (1979) 93-112
Zur Kristallchemie Magnesium-reicher Turmaline
Locality: Gerevi Hills, Tanzania
_database_code_amcsd 0019011
15.923 15.923 7.201 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na        0      0  .8576 .60  .0194  .0194  .0230  .0097      0      0
Ca        0      0  .8576 .29  .0194  .0194  .0230  .0097      0      0
K         0      0  .8576 .02  .0194  .0194  .0230  .0097      0      0
Mg    .0625 -.0625  .4581 .79  .0030  .0030  .0131  .0004  .0021 -.0021
Al    .0625 -.0625  .4581 .21  .0030  .0030  .0131  .0004  .0021 -.0021
Al    .2617  .2978  .4790      .0034  .0030  .0053  .0016 -.0001  .0002
Si    .1899  .1919  .0907      .0020  .0019  .0056  .0010  .0002  .0002
B    -.1096  .1096  .6349      .0035  .0035  .0069  .0021  .0003 -.0003
O1        0      0  .3175 .25  .0091  .0091  .0098  .0046      0      0
OH1       0      0  .3175 .75  .0091  .0091  .0098  .0046      0      0
O2   -.0607  .0607  .6051      .0096  .0096  .0106  .0074  .0000  .0000
OH3   .1326 -.1326  .5774      .0104  .0104  .0064 -.0004 -.0004  .0004
O4   -.0933  .0933  .0204      .0053  .0053  .0112 -.0009 -.0008  .0008
O5    .0916 -.0916 -.0011      .0048  .0048  .0116 -.0022 -.0005  .0005
O6    .1859  .1959  .3114      .0076  .0074  .0110  .0043  .0015  .0015
O7    .2846  .2851  .0111      .0039  .0040  .0104  .0002  .0010  .0012
O8    .2699  .1093  .6485      .0068  .0026  .0134  .0020 -.0022 -.0004
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