American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Armbruster T, Bermanec V, Zebec V, Oberhansli R
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 78 (1998) 469-477
Titanium and iron poor zincohogbomite-16H, Zn14(Al,Fe3+,Ti,Mg)8Al24O62(OH)2,
from Nezilovo, Macedonia: occurence and crystal structure of a new polysome
Locality: Nezilovo, Macedonia
_database_code_amcsd 0019143
5.729 5.729 37.097 90 90 120 P6_3mc
atom      x      y      z   occ Biso
Zn1     2/3    1/3 .27662   .84  .48
Al1     2/3    1/3 .27662 .1086  .48
Mg1     2/3    1/3 .27662 .0544  .48
Zn2       0      0 .52706   .95  .48
Mg2       0      0 .52706  .017  .48
Al2       0      0 .52706 .0339  .48
Zn3     2/3    1/3 .55878   .91  .48
Mg3     2/3    1/3 .55878 .0306  .48
Al3     2/3    1/3 .55878 .0611  .48
Zn4     2/3    1/3 .65229   .95  .48
Mg4     2/3    1/3 .65229  .017  .48
Al4     2/3    1/3 .65229 .0339  .48
Zn5     1/3    2/3 .68484   .93  .48
Mg5     1/3    2/3 .68484 .0238  .48
Al5     1/3    2/3 .68484 .0475  .48
Zn6     1/3    2/3 .40084   .88  .48
Mg6     1/3    2/3 .40084 .0408  .48
Al6     1/3    2/3 .40084 .0814  .48
Zn7       0      0 .43266   .91  .48
Mg7       0      0 .43266 .0306  .48
Al7       0      0 .43266 .0611  .48
Fe      1/3    2/3 .30155        .44
Ti   -.1660 -.3320 .35345   .26  .51
Al8  -.1660 -.3320 .35345   .74  .51
Al9   .1665  .3330 .60593        .43
Al10      0      0  .6690        .49
Al11    2/3    1/3  .4176        .56
Al12  .5001  .0002 .48009        .44
Al13 -.1698 -.3396 .73135        .48
Al14    1/3    2/3  .5429        .45
O1      1/3    2/3  .6329         .9
O2      2/3    1/3  .5070         .9
O3    .1867  .3734  .5100        .61
O4        0      0  .3796         .9
O5   -.1469 -.2938  .6357        .66
O6    .5197  .0394  .3852        .69
O7    .4821  .9642  .2611        .79
O8    .1479  .2958  .7026        .53
O9    .4824  .9648  .5766        .59
O10  -.1838 -.3676  .4508        .52
OH11      0      0  .7588         .6
O12   .1658  .3316  .3260        .58
O13       0      0  .5800         .4
O14     1/3    2/3  .4544         .6
O15     2/3    1/3  .3285         .8
O16     1/3    2/3  .2054         .4
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