American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Topa D, Makovicky E
The Canadian Mineralogist 50 (2012) 397-422
Structures and classification of indium sulfosalts, and the crystal structure
of Sn12In19(Se,S)41
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0019198
56.29 3.924 15.916 90 102.56 90 C2/m
atom      x   y      z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Sn1  .39970   0 .06055     .028  .0391  .0156  .0318  .0123      0      0
Sn2  .28617   0 .04566     .038  .0509  .0271  .0359  .0100      0      0
Sn3  .17724  .5  .3903     .087   .155   .040   .059   .004      0      0
Sn4  .06653 -.5  .3852     .079   .154   .044   .044   .032      0      0
Sn5  .11155  .5  .2326     .091   .124   .067   .098   .062      0      0
Sn6a .16638 -.5  .1322 .54 .055
Sn6b .16128 -.5  .0875 .46 .055
In1  .23094   0 .18203     .024  .0297  .0198  .0214  .0060      0      0
In2       0  .5     .5     .022   .033  .0164  .0163  .0061      0      0
In3  .41479   0 .34497     .023  .0265  .0194  .0239  .0078      0      0
In4  .37226  .5 .47125     .020  .0162  .0192  .0265  .0065      0      0
In5  .35905  .5 .20390     .022  .0159  .0203  .0321  .0083      0      0
In6  .31657   0 .32933     .020  .0197  .0148  .0256  .0063      0      0
In7  .24952  .5 .39722     .020  .0265  .0150  .0200  .0077      0      0
In8  .03980   0 .14152     .020  .0227  .0154  .0191  .0017      0      0
In9  .48275  .5 .29200     .033  .0546  .0218  .0173  .0067      0      0
In10 .47629   0 .07812     .021  .0261  .0187  .0186  .0068      0      0
Se1  .21086  .5  .2542 .43 .024   .031   .021   .022   .008      0      0
S1   .21086  .5  .2542 .57 .024   .031   .021   .022   .008      0      0
Se2  .31380  .5  .2131 .62 .018   .017   .016   .024   .007      0      0
S2   .31380  .5  .2131 .38 .018   .017   .016   .024   .007      0      0
Se3  .15478   0  .2687 .89 .025   .027   .024   .024   .004      0      0
S3   .15478   0  .2687 .11 .025   .027   .024   .024   .004      0      0
Se4  .46264   0  .3597 .35 .022   .021   .025   .020   .005      0      0
S4   .46264   0  .3597 .65 .022   .021   .025   .020   .005      0      0
Se5  .32528  .5  .4499 .58 .022   .024   .020   .024   .006      0      0
S5   .32528  .5  .4499 .42 .022   .024   .020   .024   .006      0      0
Se6  .41854  .5  .4647 .55 .022   .022   .019   .026   .007      0      0
S6   .41854  .5  .4647 .45 .022   .022   .019   .026   .007      0      0
Se7  .19323   0  .0474 .47 .027   .033   .020   .030   .009      0      0
S7   .19323   0  .0474 .53 .027   .033   .020   .030   .009      0      0
Se8  .02004   0  .4191 .62 .019   .020   .015   .023   .009      0      0
S8   .02004   0  .4191 .38 .019   .020   .015   .023   .009      0      0
Se9  .11626   0  .0555 .87 .024   .026   .025   .022   .009      0      0
S9   .11626   0  .0555 .13 .024   .026   .025   .022   .009      0      0
Se10 .40613  .5  .2303 .51 .020   .023   .016   .022   .005      0      0
S10  .40613  .5  .2303 .49 .020   .023   .016   .022   .005      0      0
Se11 .05870  .5  .0644 .60 .023   .027   .021   .021   .005      0      0
S11  .05870  .5  .0644 .40 .023   .027   .021   .021   .005      0      0
Se12 .26891   0  .3195 .47 .017   .017   .017   .020   .009      0      0
S12  .26891   0  .3195 .53 .017   .017   .017   .020   .009      0      0
Se13 .35475   0  .0923 .51 .024   .023   .021   .030   .007      0      0
S13  .35475   0  .0923 .49 .024   .023   .021   .030   .007      0      0
Se14 .12158  .5  .4148 .50 .026   .041   .017   .020   .005      0      0
S14  .12158  .5  .4148 .50 .026   .041   .017   .020   .005      0      0
Se15 .07696   0  .2718 .48 .025   .027   .023   .023   .000      0      0
S15  .07696   0  .2718 .52 .025   .027   .023   .023   .000      0      0
Se16 .22265   0  .4500 .41 .019   .021   .021   .016   .007      0      0
S16  .22265   0  .4500 .59 .019   .021   .021   .016   .007      0      0
Se17 .45515  .5  .1418 .51 .023   .029   .022   .018   .007      0      0
S17  .45515  .5  .1418 .49 .023   .029   .022   .018   .007      0      0
Se18 .36631   0  .3413 .07 .014   .006   .018   .018   .006      0      0
S18  .36631   0  .3413 .93 .014   .006   .018   .018   .006      0      0
Se19     .5  .5      0 .22 .039   .031   .043   .046   .012      0      0
S19      .5  .5      0 .78 .039   .031   .043   .046   .012      0      0
Se20 .51474   0  .2143 .58 .029   .036   .028   .026   .013      0      0
S20  .51474   0  .2143 .42 .029   .036   .028   .026   .013      0      0
Se21 .25092  .5  .0979 .57 .020   .019   .018   .021   .003      0      0
S21  .25092  .5  .0979 .43 .020   .019   .018   .021   .003      0      0
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