American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Galuskin E V, Lazic B, Armbruster T, Galuskina I O, Pertsev N N, Gazeev V M,
Wlodyka R, Dulski M, Dzierzanowski P, Zadov A E, Dubrovinsky L S
American Mineralogist 97 (2012) 1998-2006
Edgrewite Ca9(SiO4)4F2-hydroxyledgrewite Ca9(SiO4)4(OH)2, a new series
of calcium humite-group minerals from altered xenoliths in the ignimbrite
of Upper Chegem caldera, Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
Locality: Upper Chegem caldera, Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0019557
5.0687 11.3579 15.4004 100.598 90 90 P2_1/b
atom      x      y      z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2)  U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca1      .5      0     .5     .00692  .0044  .0098  .0075   .0002  -.0010  .0039
Ca2  .49508 .94666 .27370     .00698 .00458  .0082 .00785  .00077  .00088 .00066
Ca3  .00478 .13653 .17283     .00645 .00553 .00596 .00842  .00040 -.00017 .00282
Ca4  .50769 .25407 .38901     .00606 .00513 .00561 .00779 -.00014 -.00006 .00211
Ca5  .49245 .87168 .04256     .00696 .00614  .0075 .00770  .00003 -.00082 .00270
Si1  .07123 .06835 .38955     .00430  .0017  .0053  .0064 -.00007 -.00003  .0024
Si2  .07549 .17901 .83411     .00466  .0023  .0052  .0070  .00021  .00012  .0026
O1    .7511 .06609 .38803      .0074  .0032  .0092  .0101  -.0002  -.0005  .0027
O2    .2986 .43501 .38809      .0062  .0054  .0047  .0092  -.0003   .0004  .0035
O3    .2028 .11311 .30359      .0070  .0059  .0082  .0078  -.0007   .0004  .0038
O4    .2017 .15466 .47638      .0073  .0054  .0090  .0077   .0002   .0001  .0016
O5    .2550 .32030 .16362      .0075  .0044  .0077  .0113   .0000  -.0001  .0041
O6    .7950 .95261 .16185      .0068  .0071  .0041  .0100   .0002   .0011  .0031
O7    .7041 .28081 .25414      .0073  .0061  .0078  .0087   .0007  -.0002  .0033
O8    .7073 .23059 .08118      .0067  .0059  .0079  .0065   .0001  -.0002  .0023
O9    .2285  .0404  .0445 .52  .0092
F9    .2619  .0459  .0585 .48  .0092
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