American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Grice J D, Kristiansen R, Friis H, Rowe R, Poirier G G, Selbekk R S,
Cooper M A, Larsen A O
The Canadian Mineralogist 51 (2013) 285-296
Ferrochiavennite, a new beryllium silicate zeolite from syenite pegmatites
in the Larvik Plutonic Complex, Oslo Region, Southern Norway
Locality: Larvik Plutonic Complex, Oslo Region, Southern Norway
_database_code_amcsd 0019852
8.7499 4.9160 31.431 90 90.1574 90 P2_1/c
atom     x      y       z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Ca1  .7495  .4996 -.08735      .0149  .0201  .0116  .0129 -.0018  .0010  -.0002
Ca2   .789   .409   .8019  .05  .062   .053   .100   .032  -.031  -.024   -.004
Ca22 .7309   .491   .7998 .111  .062
Fe1     .5     .5       0 .930 .0115  .0162  .0082  .0102 -.0024  .0022  -.0003
Fe2      0     .5       0 .904 .0110  .0167  .0066  .0096 -.0041 -.0019  -.0015
Si1  .7501  .0004 -.00143 .951 .0080  .0092  .0071  .0077 -.0034  .0010   .0001
Be1  .7501  .0004 -.00143 .049 .0080
Si2  .4147  .5925 -.23247 .923 .0105  .0112  .0115  .0089 -.0031  .0044  -.0011
Be2  .4147  .5925 -.23247 .077 .0105
Si22 .0832  .3662 -.23206 .944 .0122  .0169  .0089  .0108 -.0011 -.0016   .0018
Be22 .0832  .3662 -.23206 .056 .0122
Si3  .1401  .2353 -.13453 .961 .0098  .0083  .0115  .0097  .0024 -.0010  -.0006
Be3  .1401  .2353 -.13453 .039 .0098
Si33 .3552  .7230 -.13537 .957 .0104  .0152  .0092  .0069 -.0010 -.0005  -.0012
Be33 .3552  .7230 -.13537 .043 .0104
Be4  .5005  .0696  .05727      .0126   .020   .008   .010  -.009  -.000   -.003
Be44 .0008  .9206  .05699      .0106   .007   .011   .013   .003  -.003    .000
O1   .6522 -.2036 -.03284      .0111  .0068   .015   .011  .0022 -.0044  -.0029
O2   .8461  .2062 -.03221      .0140   .020   .010   .012  -.003  -.003   .0036
O3   .8610 -.1867  .02756      .0118  .0082   .016   .011 -.0015  .0033   .0028
O4   .6404  .1889  .02808      .0142   .019   .009   .014  -.002   .007  -.0016
O5   .2495  .4782 -.24802      .0281   .030   .034   .021  -.009  -.005   -.005
O6   .4551  .8514 -.26271      .0301   .031   .022  .0374  -.008  -.000  .00636
O7   .4162  .6810 -.18255      .0347  .0321   .061   .011  -.007   .002   -.012
O8   .0502  .0832 -.25742      .0373   .026   .030   .056  -.013  -.008   -.016
O9   .0795  .3200 -.18140      .0308   .020   .056   .016  -.011  -.002    .012
O10  .0029  .7779  .10341      .0154   .013   .021   .012  -.001  .0025   .0071
O11  .2175  .9423 -.13682      .0476  .0233   .054   .065   .023  -.010 -.01942
O12  .2725  .4446 -.11893      .0304   .027   .035   .029  -.015  -.010    .011
O13  .4951  .8029 -.10544      .0180   .024   .023   .008  -.010   .003   -.003
Oh14 .4910  .7412  .05822      .0135   .015   .009   .016  -.002  -.001   .0026
Oh15 .0184  .2548  .05819      .0174   .019   .018   .014  -.003   .007   -.004
OW16 .8402  .7450 -.14989      .0381   .061   .027   .027  -.001   .009    .007
OW17 .6561  .2231 -.14540      .0259   .026   .030   .022  -.006  -.007 -.00341
H14   .556   .697    .070       .050
H15  -.050   .313    .072       .050
H161  .788   .776   -.139       .050
H162  .845   .721   -.177       .050
H171  .557   .273   -.166       .050
H172  .614   .072   -.141       .050
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