American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Mills S J, Nestola F, Kahlenberg V, Christy A G, Hejny C, Redhammer G J
American Mineralogist 98 (2013) 1966-1971
Looking for jarosite on Mars: The low-temperature crystal structure of jarosite
Note: T = 297 K
Locality: Jaroso Ravine, Sierra Almagrera, Andalusia, Almeria, Spain
_database_code_amcsd 0020094
7.2913 7.2913 17.1744 90 90 120 R-3m
atom      x       y       z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3) U(2,3)
K         0       0       0     .0160  .0185  .0185  .0112  .0092       0      0
Fe       .5       0      .5 .93 .0056  .0036  .0018  .0108 .00088 -.00010 -.0002
Al       .5       0      .5 .07 .0056  .0036  .0018  .0108 .00088 -.00010 -.0002
S         0       0  .30862     .0074  .0059  .0059  .0102 .00297       0      0
O1        0       0   .6065     .0127  .0143  .0143  .0095  .0072       0      0
O2   .22287 -.22287 -.05403     .0114  .0131  .0131  .0122  .0096  -.0006  .0006
O3   .12713 -.12713  .13553     .0102  .0062  .0062  .0176  .0026   .0021 -.0021
H1     .188   -.188    .112      .044
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