American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Scordari F, Schingaro E, Ventruti G, Nicotra E, Viccaro M, Tagliani S M
American Mineralogist 98 (2013) 1017-1025
Fluorophlogopite from Piano delle Concazze (Mt. Etna, Italy): Crystal chemistry
and implications for the crystallization conditions
Note: Sample E2
Locality: Piano delle Concazze, Mt. Etna, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0020182
5.3200 9.2138 10.1130 90 100.228 90 C2/m
atom      x      y      z   occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
K         0      0      0 .8939 .0316  .0317  .0311  .0319      0  .0052      0
SiT  .57444 .16685 .22370 .9862 .0088  .0086  .0076  .0104  .0000  .0020  .0001
MgM1      0     .5     .5 .7759 .0092  .0083  .0062  .0138      0  .0036      0
FeM1      0     .5     .5 .2237 .0092  .0083  .0062  .0138      0  .0036      0
MgM2      0 .83595     .5 .8068 .0104  .0069  .0126  .0120      0  .0020      0
FeM2      0 .83595     .5 .1932 .0104  .0069  .0126  .0120      0  .0020      0
O1    .8166  .2379  .1650       .0181  .0167  .0227  .0151 -.0014  .0037 -.0059
O2    .5304      0  .1655       .0182  .0261  .0132  .0145      0  .0014      0
O3    .6308  .1673  .3899       .0095  .0088  .0085  .0114 -.0003  .0024  .0004
F4    .1307      0  .4004       .0130  .0111  .0140  .0144      0  .0034      0
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