American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Ross N L, Zhao J, Slebodnick C, Spencer E C, Chakoumakos B C
American Mineralogist 100 (2015) 714-721
Petalite under pressure: Elastic behavior and phase stability
Note: P = 2.71 GPa
Locality: Aracuai pegmatite district, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0020428
10.8301 5.0530 33.59 90 140.6648 90 P2/c
atom     x     y      z occ  Uiso
Li1     .5  .731    .75      .036
Li2     .5  .231  .5692      .036
Al1     .5 .2322    .75     .0085
Al2  .5013 .7373  .5704     .0097
Si1  .2283 .4453 .79836     .0056
Si2  .2386 .9467  .7512     .0063
Si3   .849  .927  .6128  .5 .0115
Si3A  .844  .043  .6124  .5 .0115
Si4   .152  .454  .4385  .5 .0103
Si4A  .146  .571  .4371  .5 .0103
Si5  .2296 .0177  .5665     .0082
Si6  .2348 .5160  .6171     .0105
O1    .353  .516  .8679      .013
O2       0  .459    .75      .017
O3    .275 .6475  .7747      .010
O4    .637  .457  .8118      .012
O5    .358  .010  .7421      .015
O6    .291 .1480  .7997      .008
O7    .011  .978  .6860      .015
O8    .893  .116  .5851  .5 .0115
O8A   .868  .338  .6038  .5  .012
O9    .635  .969  .5764      .018
O10   .366  .505  .5090      .020
O11   .132  .158  .4182  .5 .0103
O11A  .114  .370  .3896  .5 .0103
O12   .347  .951  .5587      .013
O13      0     0     .5      .014
O14   .292 .3150  .5942      .009
O15   .281 .8144  .6156      .009
O16   .004  .477  .5668      .016
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