American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Liles D C, de Villiers J P R
American Mineralogist 97 (2012) 257-261
Redetermination of structure of 5C pyrrhotite at low
temperature and at room temperature
T = 293 K
Locality: Copper Cliff mine, Sudbury, Canada
_database_code_amcsd 0020730
6.893 28.643 6.899 90 120.048 90 P2_1
atom      x       y      z  occ  Uiso
Fe1   .4713  .21548  .7487      .0149
Fe2   .0019  -.0884  .7298 .475 .0115
Fe3   .5093  .11557  .7488      .0221
Fe4   .0184 -.08468  .2721      .0181
Fe5  -.0109  .01168  .7573 .938 .0266
Fe6   .5255  .31572  .7502      .0244
Fe7  -.0324  .01501  .2167      .0177
Fe8   .9875  .31558  .7637      .0228
Fe9   .0026  -.1806  .7670 .598 .0137
Fe10 -.4744  .01473  .7793      .0177
Fe11  .4762 -.08504  .7254 .950 .0161
Fe12  .5073  .01924  .2395      .0187
Fe13  .0019  .11622  .2397      .0212
Fe14  .5015  .20993  .2357 .803 .0199
Fe15  .0133  .21822  .2770      .0156
Fe16  .0260  .21483  .7422 .947 .0142
Fe17  .4998 -.18629  .7462      .0183
Fe18 -.0115  .11473  .7447      .0155
Fe19   .529   .1197   .272 .302  .114
Fe20 -.5093 -.08262  .2597      .0184
S1    .3305  -.0301  .4160      .0090
S2    .3305  -.0347  .9154      .0109
S3   -.1612   .1651  .4158      .0106
S4    .1649  -.1376  .5813      .0107
S5   -.1694  -.0402  .9151      .0119
S6   -.1693  -.0344  .4143      .0101
S7    .6696   .2612  .5851      .0140
S8    .3326   .1613  .9145      .0136
S9    .1613   .0650  .0768      .0127
S10   .1664   .0630  .5802      .0145
S11   .3355   .1656  .4171      .0125
S12   .6676   .2650  .0847      .0110
S13   .1717   .2640  .0857      .0101
S14  -.3386  -.1342  .0810      .0123
S15   .1703  .27065  .5876      .0086
S16   .8364   .1686  .9153      .0081
S17   .1650  -.1324  .0829      .0123
S18  -.3403  -.1347  .5805      .0115
S19   .6683   .0689  .0816      .0135
S20   .6663   .0643  .5838      .0122
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