Apophyllite-(KF) |
Stahl K |
European Journal of Mineralogy 5 (1993) 845-849 |
A neutron powder diffraction study of partially dehydrated |
fluorapophyllite, KCa4Si8O20F*6.9H2O |
_database_code_amcsd 0006492 |
8.9639 8.9639 15.754 90 90 90 P4/mnc |
atom x y z occ |
F 0 0 0 |
K 0 0 1/2 |
Ca .1150 .2402 0 |
Si .2317 .0873 .1917 |
O1 .3624 .1376 1/4 |
O2 .0894 .1915 .2159 |
O3 .2663 .1021 .0923 |
O4 .2132 .4489 .0903 .69 |
O5 .1848 .4878 0 .34 |
H1 .4465 .1722 .0894 .69 |
H2 .2209 .4257 .1492 .69 |
H3 .1574 .5505 .0366 .34 |
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Apophyllite |
Taylor W, Naray-Szabo S |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 77 (1931) 146-159 |
The Structure of Apophyllite |
_cod_database_code 1010937 |
_database_code_amcsd 0017658 |
9. 9. 15.8 90 90 90 P4/mnc |
atom x y z |
F1 0 0 0 |
O1 .362 .138 .25 |
O2 .089 .184 .217 |
O3 .287 .117 .094 |
O4 .237 .445 .094 |
Si1 .237 .091 .188 |
Ca1 .12 .243 0 |
K1 0 0 .5 |
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