Carlinite |
Giester G, Lengauer C L, Tillmanns E, Zemann J |
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 168 (2002) 322-330 |
Tl2S: Re-determination of crystal structure and stereochemical discussion |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0014029 |
12.150 12.150 18.190 90 90 120 R3 |
atom x y z Uiso |
Tl1 .1257 .2030 -.0781 .0457 |
Tl2 .4685 .9065 -.0969 .0452 |
Tl3 .8065 .5719 -.0992 .0449 |
Tl4 .2407 .1060 .1046 .0451 |
Tl5 .5399 .7488 .0846 .0453 |
Tl6 .8712 .4124 .0850 .0457 |
S1 0 0 .0365 .047 |
S2 1/3 2/3 -.0255 .047 |
S3 2/3 1/3 -.0261 .048 |
S4 .0025 .6630 .0269 .041 |
S5 .9992 .3234 -.0200 .047 |
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Carlinite |
Giester G, Lengauer C L, Tillmanns E, Zemann J |
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 168 (2002) 322-330 |
Tl2S: Re-determination of crystal structure and stereochemical discussion |
Sample: hypothetical idealized structure |
_database_code_amcsd 0014030 |
12.150 12.150 18.190 90 90 120 R3 |
atom x y z |
Tl1 1/9 2/9 -.0914 |
Tl2 4/9 8/9 -.0914 |
Tl3 7/9 5/9 -.0914 |
Tl4 2/9 1/9 .0914 |
Tl5 5/9 7/9 .0914 |
Tl6 8/9 4/9 .0914 |
S1 0 0 0 |
S2 1/3 2/3 0 |
S3 2/3 1/3 0 |
S4 0 2/3 0 |
S5 0 1/3 0 |
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Carlinite |
Man L I |
Soviet Physics Crystallography 15 (1970) 399-403 |
Determination of the structure of Tl2S by the electron diffraction method |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0015553 |
12.20 12.20 18.17 90 90 120 R3 |
atom x y z Biso |
Tl1 .119 .191 .957 .84 |
Tl2 .122 .201 .321 .84 |
Tl3 .118 .209 .656 .84 |
Tl4 .233 .103 .140 .84 |
Tl5 .227 .093 .474 .84 |
Tl6 .233 .096 .808 .84 |
S1 0 0 .195 .84 |
S2 0 0 .519 .84 |
S3 0 0 .853 .84 |
S4 .665 .657 .226 .84 |
S5 .333 .337 .195 .84 |
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