American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

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American Mineralogist 32 (1947) 309-321
The structure of epidote (HCa2(Al,Fe)Al2Si3O13)
_database_code_amcsd 0000041
8.96 5.63 10.20 90 115.40 90 P2_1/m
atom    x   y    z occ
Ca1  .963 .25 .641
Ca2  .963 .75 .641
Al   .789 .25 .814
Fe      0   0    0
Si1  .394 .25 .711 .75
Al1  .394 .25 .711 .25
Si2  .604 .75 .695 .75
Al2  .604 .75 .695 .25
Si3  .582 .25 .553 .75
Al3  .582 .25 .553 .25
Si4  .375 .75 .940 .75
Al4  .375 .75 .940 .25
O1   .042   0 .843
O2   .301   0 .742
O3   .783   0 .694
O4   .535 .25 .821
O5   .535 .75 .821
O6   .420 .25 .582
O7   .420 .75 .582
O8      0   0   .5
O9   .179 .75 .033
OH10 .179 .25 .033
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Dollase W A
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American Mineralogist 56 (1971) 447-464
Refinement of the crystal structures of epidote, allanite and hancockite
_database_code_amcsd 0000226
8.914 5.640 10.162 90 115.4 90 P2_1/m
atom     x     y     z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Ca1  .7562   .75 .1510      .76  .0037  .0055  .0023      0  .0018      0
Ca2  .6042   .75 .4241      .92  .0036  .0103  .0014      0  .0005      0
Si1  .3396   .75 .0473      .41
Si2  .6851   .25 .2744      .48
Si3  .1844   .75 .3189      .42
Al1      0     0     0 .93  .51
Fe1      0     0     0 .05  .51
Al2      0     0    .5      .43
Fe3  .2946   .25 .2245 .76  .42  .0016  .0030  .0012      0  .0004      0
Al3  .2946   .25 .2245 .24  .42  .0016  .0030  .0012      0  .0004      0
O1   .2339 .9923 .0410      .70
O2   .3040 .9809 .3554      .63
O3   .7957 .0152 .3382      .79
O4   .0528   .25 .1294       .6
O5   .0417   .75 .1471       .6
O6   .0683   .75 .4078       .5
O7   .5164   .75 .1825       .6
O8   .5281   .25 .3099       .9
O9   .6265   .25 .0990      1.0
OH10 .0838   .25 .4298       .7
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Dollase W A
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American Mineralogist 56 (1971) 447-464
Refinement of the crystal structures of epidote, allanite and hancockite
_database_code_amcsd 0000229
8.958 5.665 10.304 90 114.4 90 P2_1/m
atom     x    y     z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Ca   .7639  .75 .1559      1.0  .0052  .0061  .0049      0  .0043      0
Pb   .5898  .75 .4124 0.5  1.1  .0037  .0136  .0033      0  .0027      0
Sr   .5898  .75 .4124 .25  1.1  .0037  .0136  .0033      0  .0027      0
Ca   .5898  .75 .4124 .13  1.1  .0037  .0136  .0033      0  .0027      0
Mn   .5898  .75 .4124 .12  1.1  .0037  .0136  .0033      0  .0027      0
Si1  .3370  .75 .0399       .9
Si2  .6872  .25 .2777      1.1
Si3  .1758  .75 .3119      1.0
Al1      0    0     0 .86   .9
Fe1      0    0     0 .14   .9
Al2      0    0    .5       .7
Fe3  .2903  .25 .2190 .84   .6  .0025  .0085  .0032      0  .0022      0
Al3  .2903  .25 .2190 .16   .6  .0025  .0085  .0032      0  .0022      0
O1    .235 .988  .040      1.1
O2    .290 .979  .342      1.1
O3    .796 .011  .347      1.6
O4    .052  .25  .129       .5
O5    .038  .75  .146      1.1
O6    .062  .75  .407       .9
O7    .517  .75  .169      1.7
O8    .524  .25  .309      1.8
O9    .642  .25  .110      1.5
OH10  .074  .25  .422      1.5
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Gabe E J, Portheine J C, Whitlow S H
Download am/vol58/AM58_218.pdf
American Mineralogist 58 (1973) 218-223
A reinvestigation of the epidote structure: Confirmation of the iron location
sample HEP
_database_code_amcsd 0000308
8.8877 5.6275 10.1517 90 115.383 90 P2_1/m
atom     x      y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Si1 .33959    .75 .04766     .00434 .00411 .00490       0  .00186       0
Si2 .68429    .25 .27454     .00522 .00436 .00541       0  .00224       0
Si3 .18393    .75 .31837     .00399 .00483 .00468       0  .00204       0
Ca1 .75715    .75 .15156     .01115 .00770 .00855       0  .00665       0
Ca2 .60486    .75 .42399     .00993 .01667 .00660       0  .00278       0
Al1      0      0      0     .00427 .00331 .00520 -.00234  .00177  .00042
Al2      0      0     .5     .00459 .00390 .00618       0  .00204 -.00005
Fe3 .29386    .25 .22419 .84 .00482 .00643 .00625       0  .00182       0
Al3 .29386    .25 .22419 .16 .00482 .00643 .00625       0  .00182       0
H     .043    .25   .325
O1  .23425 .99441 .04150     .00591 .00536 .01148  .00085  .00403  .00048
O2  .30396 .98255 .35529     .00830 .00746 .00820 -.00293  .00381 -.00082
O3  .79503 .01341 .33935     .00726 .00566 .01040  .00055 -.00013 -.00006
O4  .05292    .25 .12948     .00664 .00501 .00562       0  .00220       0
O5  .04158    .75 .14534     .00606 .00574 .00532       0  .00146       0
O6  .06715    .75 .40688     .00858 .00581 .00963       0  .00633       0
O7  .51486    .75 .18053     .00636 .01055 .00816       0  .00067       0
O8  .52547    .25 .30809     .01030 .01595 .01613       0  .00984       0
O9  .62769    .25 .09895     .01745 .02118 .00782       0  .00753       0
O10 .08228    .25 .42852     .00805 .00528 .00882       0  .00502       0
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Gabe E J, Portheine J C, Whitlow S H
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American Mineralogist 58 (1973) 218-223
A reinvestigation of the epidote structure: Confirmation of the iron location
sample LEP
_database_code_amcsd 0000309
8.8802 5.6043 10.1511 90 115.455 90 P2_1/m
atom      x      y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Ca1  .75972    .75 .15373     .01127 .00944 .00885       0  .00629       0
Ca2  .60660    .75 .42363     .01032 .01609 .00721       0  .00333       0
Si1  .33880    .75 .04804     .00485 .00528 .00471       0  .00173       0
Si2  .68054    .25 .27507     .00595 .00560 .00502       0  .00202       0
Si3  .18304    .75 .31686     .00476 .00611 .00468       0  .00214       0
Al1       0      0      0     .00557 .00471 .00581 -.00048  .00197 -.00031
Al2       0      0     .5     .00549 .00464 .00599  .00028  .00181  .00017
Al3  .29085    .25 .22415 .60 .00472 .00669 .00574       0  .00162       0
Fe3  .29095    .25 .22415 .40 .00472 .00669 .00574       0  .00162       0
O1   .23427 .99603 .04377     .00683 .00662 .01011  .00067  .00375  .00079
O2   .30189 .98442 .35306     .00838 .00926 .00728 -.00268  .00390 -.00133
O3   .79037 .01259 .34346     .00675 .00611 .01011  .00075 -.00049 -.00051
O4   .05360    .25 .13082     .00691 .00620 .00430       0  .00222       0
O5   .04009    .75 .14389     .00634 .00609 .00407       0  .00186       0
O6   .06242    .75 .40295     .00792 .00604 .00734       0  .00511       0
O7   .51600    .75 .17858     .00640 .00995 .00789       0  .00141       0
O8   .51639    .25 .30150     .01241 .01338 .01708       0  .01108       0
O9   .63540    .25 .10181     .02130 .02206 .00855       0  .00944       0
O10  .07498    .25 .42501     .00916 .00609 .00699       0  .00544       0
H      .079    .25   .338
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Giuli G, Bonazzi P, Menchetti S
Download am/vol84/AM84_933.pdf
American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 933-936
Al-Fe disorder in synthetic epidotes: A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Sample: CC11c
_database_code_amcsd 0002248
8.891 5.624 10.164 90 115.44 90 P2_1/m
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
CaA1 .7574   .75 .1517       .0121  .0112  .0096      0  .0080      0
CaA2 .6047   .75 .4241       .0122  .0183  .0059      0  .0041      0
Si1  .3383   .75 .0467       .0046  .0026  .0100      0  .0035      0
Si2  .6832   .25 .2742       .0069  .0053  .0054      0  .0013      0
Si3  .1834   .75 .3183       .0042  .0047  .0028      0 -.0007      0
Fe1      0     0     0 .08   .0054  .0051  .0056  .0004  .0014  .0011
Al1      0     0     0 .92   .0054  .0051  .0056  .0004  .0014  .0011
Al2      0     0    .5       .0038  .0033  .0069 -.0003  .0030  .0006
Fe3  .2936   .25 .2247 .60   .0035  .0060  .0051      0  .0004      0
Al3  .2936   .25 .2247 .40   .0035  .0060  .0051      0  .0004      0
O1   .2345 .9942 .0416       .0154  .0023  .0086  .0013  .0056  .0025
O2   .3017 .9819 .3535       .0110  .0095  .0097 -.0043  .0053  .0001
O3   .7937 .0128 .3419       .0052  .0080  .0115 -.0020 -.0027 -.0038
O4   .0530   .25 .1298       .0104  .0045  .0114      0  .0090      0
O5   .0418   .75 .1449       .0061  .0091  .0045      0  .0025      0
O6   .0659   .75 .4059       .0118  .0060  .0051      0  .0066      0
O7   .5138   .75 .1807       .0061  .0102  .0100      0 -.0011      0
O8   .5230   .25 .3067       .0294  .0104  .0098      0  .0136      0
O9   .6295   .25 .0996       .0155  .0155  .0150      0  .0067      0
O10  .0796   .25 .4263       .0066  .0118  .0093      0  .0071      0
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Nagashima M, Akasada M
American Mineralogist 95 (2010) 1237-1246
X-ray Rietveld and 57Fe Mossbauer studies of epidote and piemontite on the join
Ca2Al2FeSi3O12(OH) - Ca2Al2MnSi3O12(OH) formed by hydrothermal synthesis
Locality: synthetic
Sample: q=1.0, run 41
_database_code_amcsd 0016949
8.8902 5.6366 10.1600 90 115.432 90 P2_1/m
atom     x    y     z occ
Ca   .7528  .75 .1498
Ca   .6092  .75 .4222
AlM1     0    0     0 .84
FeM1     0    0     0 .16
AlM2     0    0    .5
AlM3 .2959  .25 .2262 .25
FeM3 .2959  .25 .2262 .75
Si   .3380  .75 .0461
Si   .6814  .25 .2766
Si   .1885  .75  .324
O1    .235 .993  .041
O2    .305 .977  .355
O3    .798 .015  .342
O4    .052  .25  .129
O5    .036  .75  .151
O6    .062  .75  .411
O7    .516  .75  .173
O8    .524  .25  .309
O9    .646  .25  .104
OH10  .071  .25  .425
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Nagashima M, Akasada M
American Mineralogist 95 (2010) 1237-1246
X-ray Rietveld and 57Fe Mossbauer studies of epidote and piemontite on the join
Ca2Al2FeSi3O12(OH) - Ca2Al2MnSi3O12(OH) formed by hydrothermal synthesis
Locality: synthetic
Sample: q=0.75, run 27
_database_code_amcsd 0016950
8.8980 5.6549 10.1752 90 115.428 90 P2_1/m
atom     x    y     z occ
Ca1  .7541  .75 .1498
Ca2  .6057  .75 .4247
AlM1     0    0     0 .90
FeM1     0    0     0 .08
MnM1     0    0     0 .02
AlM2     0    0    .5
AlM3 .2948  .25 .2245 .31
FeM3 .2948  .25 .2245 .50
MnM3 .2948  .25 .2245 .19
Si1  .3399  .75 .0475
Si2  .6812  .25 .2726
Si3  .1873  .75 .3225
O1   .2311 .988 .0362
O2   .3077 .978 .3570
O3   .8011 .019 .3476
O4    .055  .25  .140
O5   .0379  .75 .1464
O6   .0535  .75  .402
O7   .5207  .75 .1782
O8   .5222  .25 .3076
O9    .622  .25  .098
OH10  .076  .25  .429
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Nagashima M, Akasada M
American Mineralogist 95 (2010) 1237-1246
X-ray Rietveld and 57Fe Mossbauer studies of epidote and piemontite on the join
Ca2Al2FeSi3O12(OH) - Ca2Al2MnSi3O12(OH) formed by hydrothermal synthesis
Locality: synthetic
Sample: q=0.5, run 22
_database_code_amcsd 0016951
8.8817 5.6543 10.1630 90 115.435 90 P2_1/m
atom     x    y     z occ
Ca1  .7571  .75 .1508
Ca2  .5988  .75 .4197
AlM1     0    0     0 .81
FeM1     0    0     0 .06
MnM1     0    0     0 .13
AlM2     0    0    .5
AlM3 .2941  .25 .2263 .27
FeM3 .2941  .25 .2263 .33
MnM3 .2941  .25 .2263 .40
Si1  .3431  .75 .0475
Si2  .6831  .25 .2734
Si3  .1881  .75 .3267
O1   .2376 .984 .0363
O2    .302 .982  .355
O3    .805 .017 .3479
O4    .062  .25  .135
O5    .049  .75  .153
O6    .063  .75  .415
O7    .523  .75  .172
O8    .518  .25  .307
O9    .615  .25  .102
OH10  .083  .25  .425
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Nagashima M, Akasada M
American Mineralogist 95 (2010) 1237-1246
X-ray Rietveld and 57Fe Mossbauer studies of epidote and piemontite on the join
Ca2Al2FeSi3O12(OH) - Ca2Al2MnSi3O12(OH) formed by hydrothermal synthesis
Locality: synthetic
Sample: q=0.5, run 21
_database_code_amcsd 0016952
8.8904 5.6606 10.1760 90 115.455 90 P2_1/m
atom     x    y     z occ
Ca1  .7539  .75 .1492
Ca2  .6000  .75 .4229
AlM1     0    0     0 .79
FeM1     0    0     0 .08
MnM1     0    0     0 .13
AlM2     0    0    .5
AlM3 .2955  .25 .2261 .29
FeM3 .2955  .25 .2261 .31
MnM3 .2955  .25 .2261 .40
Si1  .3401  .75 .0469
Si2  .6828  .25 .2750
Si3  .1871  .75 .3245
O1   .2373 .985 .0349
O2   .3062 .981 .3566
O3   .8018 .018 .3487
O4    .062  .25 .1369
O5   .0464  .75 .1480
O6   .0612  .75  .408
O7   .5182  .75 .1773
O8   .5182  .25  .301
O9    .619  .25  .098
OH10  .079  .25  .428
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Minakawa T, Fukushima H, Nishio-Hamane D, Miura H
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 103 (2008) 400-406
Epidote-(Sr), CaSrAl2Fe(Si2O7)(SiO4)(OH), a new mineral from the Ananai mine,
Kochi Prefecture, Japan
Locality: Ananai mine, Kochi Prefecture, Japan
_database_code_amcsd 0013136
8.928 5.652 10.244 90 114.46 90 P2_1/m
atom    x    y    z occ Biso
CaA1 .764  .75 .156 .96  .76
SrA1 .764  .75 .156 .04  .76
SrA2 .595  .75 .422 .86  .92
CaA2 .595  .75 .422 .14  .92
AlM1    0    0    0 .90  .51
FeM1    0    0    0 .10  .51
AlM2    0    0   .5      .43
FeM3 .295  .25 .220 .78  .42
MnM3 .295  .25 .220 .20  .42
AlM3 .295  .25 .220 .02  .42
Si1  .338  .75 .037      .45
Si2  .685  .25 .274      .45
Si3  .174  .75 .315      .45
O1   .246 .999 .043      .70
O2   .292 .973 .336      .70
O3   .785 .013 .329      .70
O4   .041  .25 .117       .7
O5   .045  .75 .143      .70
O6   .072  .75 .418      .70
O7   .509  .75 .176      .70
O8   .532  .25 .316      .70
O9   .642  .25 .109      .70
OH10 .076  .25 .425      .70
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