American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

9 matching records for this search.

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Pinto D, Balic-Zunic T, Garavelli A, Makovicky E, Vurro F
Download cm/vol44/CM44_159.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 44 (2006) 159-175
Comparative crystal-structure study of Ag-free lillianite
and galenobismutite from Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy
Locality: Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0006072
13.567 20.655 4.1216 90 90 90 Bbmm
atom      x      y  z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Pb1  .09079 .13373 .5 .490 .0207  .0222  .0228  .0173  .0009      0      0
Bi1  .09079 .13373 .5 .490 .0207  .0222  .0228  .0173  .0009      0      0
Pb2  .36313 .04918 .5 .491  .020  .0180  .0259  .0149  .0004      0      0
Bi2  .36313 .04918 .5 .491  .020  .0180  .0259  .0149  .0004      0      0
Pb3  .32578    .25  0      .0447  .0319  .0765  .0257      0      0      0
S1    .2368  .0953  0  .97  .027   .022   .045   .015   .012      0      0
Se1   .2368  .0953  0  .03  .027   .022   .045   .015   .012      0      0
S2        0      0 .5  .96  .022   .028   .021   .017   .003      0      0
Se2       0      0 .5  .04  .022   .028   .021   .017   .003      0      0
S3    .1836    .25 .5      .0209   .020   .021   .022      0      0      0
S4    .4550  .1654 .5  .93  .022   .023   .022   .021   .003      0      0
Se4   .4550  .1654 .5  .07  .022   .023   .022   .021   .003      0      0
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Takagi J, Takeuchi Y
Acta Crystallographica B28 (1972) 649-651
The crystal structure of lillianite
Locality: Tsubakihara mine, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
_database_code_amcsd 0018399
13.5350 20.451 4.104 90 90 90 Bbmm
atom     x     y  z occ Biso
PbM1 .0896 .1338 .5  .5 1.58
BiM1 .0896 .1338 .5  .5 1.58
PbM2 .3635 .0495 .5  .5 1.19
BiM2 .3635 .0495 .5  .5 1.19
PbM3 .3239   .25  0     3.02
S1   .2386 .0956  0     2.02
S2      .0     0 .5     2.16
S3   .1822   .25 .5     1.62
S4   .4561 .1630 .5     1.42
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Olsen L A, Balic Zunic T, Makovicky E
Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 6756-6762
High-pressure anisotropic distortion of Pb3Bi2S6: a pressure-induced,
reversible phase transition with migration of chemical bonds
Locality: synthetic
Note: P = 0.0001 GPa
Note: occupancies not refined
_database_code_amcsd 0018400
13.540 20.637 4.1103 90 90 90 Bbmm
atom      x      y   z occ   Uiso
PbM1 .09066 .13373  .5  .5  .0140
BiM1 .09066 .13373  .5  .5  .0140
BiM2 .36273 .04933  .5  .5 .01283
PbM2 .36273 .04933  .5  .5 .01283
PbM3 .32657    .25   0      .0371
S1   .23628 .09544   0      .0236
S2        0      0  .5      .0148
S3   .18371    .25  .5      .0133
S4   .45498 .16496  .5      .0160
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Download hom/lillianite.pdf
Olsen L A, Balic Zunic T, Makovicky E
Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 6756-6762
High-pressure anisotropic distortion of Pb3Bi2S6: a pressure-induced,
reversible phase transition with migration of chemical bonds
Locality: synthetic
Note: P = 1.95 GPa
Note: occupancies not refined
_database_code_amcsd 0018401
13.353 20.367 4.0615 90 90 90 Bbmm
atom      x      y   z occ  Uiso
PbM1 .08943 .13374  .5  .5 .0186
BiM1 .08943 .13374  .5  .5 .0186
BiM2 .36196 .04864  .5  .5 .0181
PbM2 .36196 .04864  .5  .5 .0181
PbM3  .3288    .25   0     .0312
S1    .2359  .0972   0      .030
S2        0      0  .5      .027
S3    .1821    .25  .5      .020
S4    .4525  .1687  .5      .018
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Download hom/lillianite.pdf
Olsen L A, Balic Zunic T, Makovicky E
Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 6756-6762
High-pressure anisotropic distortion of Pb3Bi2S6: a pressure-induced,
reversible phase transition with migration of chemical bonds
Locality: synthetic
Note: P = 2.90 GPa
Note: occupancies not refined
_database_code_amcsd 0018402
13.280 20.260 4.0448 90 90 90 Bbmm
atom      x      y   z occ  Uiso
PbM1 .08904 .13358  .5  .5 .0176
BiM1 .08904 .13358  .5  .5 .0176
PbM2 .36155 .04829  .5  .5 .0172
BiM2 .36155 .04829  .5  .5 .0172
PbM3  .3291    .25   0     .0272
S1    .2341  .0966   0      .024
S2        0      0  .5      .027
S3    .1804    .25  .5      .019
S4    .4521  .1684  .5      .020
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Download hom/lillianite.pdf
Olsen L A, Balic Zunic T, Makovicky E
Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 6756-6762
High-pressure anisotropic distortion of Pb3Bi2S6: a pressure-induced,
reversible phase transition with migration of chemical bonds
Locality: synthetic
Note: P = 3.73 GPa
Note: occupancies not refined
_database_code_amcsd 0018403
13.216 20.163 4.03 90 90 90 Bbmm
atom      x      y   z occ  Uiso
PbM1 .08852 .13359  .5  .5 .0160
BiM1 .08852 .13359  .5  .5 .0160
PbM2 .36091 .04793  .5  .5 .0163
BiM2 .36091 .04793  .5  .5 .0163
PbM3  .3292    .25   0     .0249
S1    .2341  .0981   0      .024
S2        0      0  .5      .030
S3    .1787    .25  .5      .017
S4    .4518  .1684  .5      .018
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Download hom/lillianite.pdf
Olsen L A, Balic Zunic T, Makovicky E
Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 6756-6762
High-pressure anisotropic distortion of Pb3Bi2S6: a pressure-induced,
reversible phase transition with migration of chemical bonds
Locality: synthetic
Note: P = 5.27 GPa
Note: occupancies not refined
Note: phase known as beta-Pb3Bi2S6
_database_code_amcsd 0018404
11.026 23.023 4.0233 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y   z occ  Uiso
PbM1  .149 .0297 .25  .5  .016
BiM1  .149 .0297 .25  .5  .016
PbM2 .3359 .3701 .75  .5 .0193
BiM2 .3359 .3701 .75  .5 .0193
PbM3 .0396 .4383 .25     .0182
PbM4 .0150 .2781 .75  .5 .0188
BiM4 .0150 .2781 .75  .5 .0188
PbM5 .2235 .1477 .75  .5 .0161
BiM5 .2235 .1477 .75  .5 .0161
S1   .4790 .4392 .25      .012
S2    .398 .1106 .25      .000
S3    .083 .1845 .25      .018
S4    .338 .2378 .75      .015
S5    .165 .3451 .25      .003
S6    .223 .4774 .75      .011
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Download hom/lillianite.pdf
Olsen L A, Balic Zunic T, Makovicky E
Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008) 6756-6762
High-pressure anisotropic distortion of Pb3Bi2S6: a pressure-induced,
reversible phase transition with migration of chemical bonds
Locality: synthetic
Note: P = 7.92 GPa
Note: occupancies not refined
Note: phase known as beta-Pb3Bi2S6
_database_code_amcsd 0018405
10.891 22.638 3.9926 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y   z occ  Uiso
PbM1 .1491 .0308 .25  .5 .0153
BiM1 .1491 .0308 .25  .5 .0153
PbM2 .3359 .3698 .75  .5  .019
BiM2 .3359 .3698 .75  .5  .019
PbM3 .0395 .4395 .25     .0165
PbM4 .0157 .2768 .75  .5  .025
BiM4 .0157 .2768 .75  .5  .025
PbM5 .2249 .1463 .75  .5 .0142
BiM5 .2249 .1463 .75  .5 .0142
S1    .479 .4369 .25      .018
S2    .401 .1108 .25      .005
S3    .094 .1822 .25      .006
S4    .336 .2393 .75      .007
S5    .159 .3439 .25      .003
S6     .22 .4803 .75      .012
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Makovicky E
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 131 (1977) 187-207
Chemistry and crystallography of the lillianite homologous series
Part III. Crystal chemistry of lillianite homologues.  Related phases
Locality: Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria
_database_code_amcsd 0014706
13.58 20.51 4.09 90 90 90 Bbmm
atom      x     y  z Biso
PbMe1 .4180 .1428 .5 2.6
BiMe2 .1378 .0441 .5 1.7
PbMe3 .1632   .25  0 2.1
S1     .275  .087  0 1.8
S2        0     0  0 2.1
S3     .310   .25 .5 1.9
S4     .043  .173 .5 1.7
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