Lindsleyite |
Peterson R C, Grey I E |
The Canadian Mineralogist 33 (1995) 1083-1089 |
Preparation and structure refinement of synthetic Ti-containing |
lindsleyite, BaMn3Ti18O38 |
_database_code_amcsd 0005464 |
10.4369 10.4369 20.8871 90 90 120 R-3 |
atom x y z Biso |
BaA 0 0 0 .59 |
MnT 0 0 .3103 .48 |
MnM1 0 0 .5 .83 |
TiM2 .1860 .1434 .1650 .39 |
TiM3 .9173 .2402 .3926 .49 |
TiM4 .0714 .7589 .3989 .42 |
O1 .874 .065 .4355 .6 |
O2 .706 .505 .4432 .4 |
O3 .365 .260 .5589 .0 |
O4 .600 .563 .5511 1.1 |
O5 .054 .207 .3373 .8 |
O6 .358 .262 .3413 .2 |
O7 0 0 .2131 .4 |
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