American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

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Beevers C A, Schwartz C M
Download zk/vol91/ZK91_157.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 91 (1935) 157-169
The crystal structure of nickel sulphate heptahydrate NiSO4*7H2O
Note: hydrogen positions from Acta Crystallographica B24 (1968) 1131-1133
Note: all atoms shifted .25, 0, 0
_database_code_amcsd 0010551
11.82 12.02 6.81 90 90 90 P2_12_12_1
atom    x    y    z
Ni   .420 .110  .04
S    .725 .185  .49
O1    .69  .08  .37
O2    .86  .19  .48
O3    .69  .19  .69
O4    .68  .28  .37
Ow5   .26  .17  .01
Ow6   .46  .25  .19
Ow7   .46  .18 -.21
Ow8   .57  .04  .05
Ow9   .36 -.04 -.09
Ow10  .36  .03  .29
Ow11  .48  .44 -.07
H1    .25  .23  .11
H2    .21  .19 -.10
H3    .40  .29  .27
H4    .53  .25  .27
H5    .43  .23 -.32
H6    .54  .18 -.23
H7    .62  .07  .16
H8    .59 -.04  .04
H9    .42 -.05 -.18
H10   .34 -.12 -.05
H11   .40    0  .40
H12   .28  .03  .33
H13   .47  .38  .03
H14   .42  .49 -.04
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Download hom/morenosite.pdf
Beevers C, Schwartz C
Download zk/vol91/ZK91_157.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 91 (1935) 157-169
The crystal structure of nickel sulphate heptahydrate Ni S O4 (H2 O)7
_cod_database_code 1011297
_database_code_amcsd 0018144
11.86 12.08 6.81 90 90 90 P2_12_12_1
atom    x    y    z
Ni1   .42  .11  .04
S1   .725 .185  .49
O1    .69  .08  .43
O2    .86  .19  .48
O3    .69  .19  .69
O4    .68  .28  .37
O5    .26  .17  .01
O6    .46  .25  .19
O7    .46  .18 -.21
O8    .57  .04  .05
O9    .36 -.04 -.09
O10   .36  .03  .29
O11   .48  .44 -.07
H1    .25  .23  .11
H2    .21  .19  -.1
H3     .4  .29  .27
H4    .53  .25  .27
H5    .43  .23 -.32
H6    .54  .18 -.23
H7    .62  .07  .16
H8    .59 -.04  .04
H9    .42 -.05 -.18
H10   .34 -.12 -.05
H11    .4    0   .4
H12   .28  .03  .33
H13   .47  .38  .03
H14   .42  .49 -.04
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Iskhakova L D, Dubrovinskii L S, Charushnikova I A
Soviet Physics Crystallography 36 (1991) 360-363
Crystal structure, theoretical parameters of potential of atomic interaction
(PPAI), and thermochemical properties of NiSO4*nH2O (n=7,6)
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0015589
11.768 12.021 6.758 90 90 90 P2_12_12_1
atom      x      y      z  Biso
Ni   .42091 .10441 .04118 1.231
S    .72614 .18357  .4911  1.33
O1    .6843  .0751  .4263  2.76
O2    .8511  .1873  .4820  2.37
O3    .6892  .2060  .6934  2.33
O4    .6789  .2714  .3610  2.03
Ow1   .2601  .1661  .0043  2.15
Ow2   .4689  .2483  .1898  1.84
Ow3   .4675  .1685 -.2254  2.27
Ow4   .5830  .0458  .0752  2.63
Ow5   .3722 -.0389 -.1072  1.91
Ow6   .3659  .0377  .3004  2.61
Ow7   .4891  .4357  .9301  2.55
H11    .229   .208   .103     3
H12    .234   .207  -.120     3
H21    .421   .264   .275     3
H22    .539   .252   .243     3
H31    .420   .213  -.297     3
H32    .542   .179  -.250     3
H41    .619   .031   .200     3
H42    .582  -.026   .014     4
H51    .367  -.081   .014     4
H52    .404  -.090  -.196     3
H61    .287   .052   .333     3
H62    .392  -.003   .416     4
H71    .415   .460   .936     4
H72    .482   .362  -.010     4
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