American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

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Pushcharovsky D Y, Pekov I V, Pluth J J, Smith J V, Ferraris G, Vinogradova S A,
Arakcheeva A V, Soboleva S V, Semenov E I
Crystallography Reports 44 (1999) 565-574
Raite, manganonordite-(Ce), and ferronordite-(Ce) from the Lovozero massif:
Crystal structures and mineralogical geochemistry
Locality: Yubileinaya pegmatite, Karnasurt Mountain, Lovozero Massif,
Kola Peninsula, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0012360
15.1 17.60 5.290 90 100.5 90 C2/m
atom      x      y     z  occ Uiso
Na1      .5  .2997     0      .019
Na2      .5      0     0      .040
Mn1       0      0     0      .013
Mn2      .5 .40289    .5      .017
Ti       .5   .204    .5 .125 .025
Si1   .3121 .41406 .0569      .010
Si2   .3052 .32828 .5497      .011
O1    .4198  .4133  .118      .016
O2    .0882  .1816  .408      .021
O3      .25    .25    .5      .028
OH4   .0678      0  .361      .020
O5    .2718     .5  .006      .012
O6    .2295  .1328  .204      .013
O7    .2686  .3802  .294      .014
Wat8  .4018      0  .304      .042
Wat9  .0720  .3992  .271      .054
Wat10 .4176  .2096  .201      .062
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Pluth J J, Smith J V, Pushcharovsky D Y, Semenov E I, Bram A, Riekel C,
Weber H P, Broach R W
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (1997) 12263-12267
Third-generation synchrotron X-ray diffraction of 6-mue-m crystal of raite,
~Na3Mn3Ti0.25Si8O20(OH)2*10(H2O) opens up new chemistry and physics of
low-temperature minerals
Locality: Yubileinaya pegmatite, Karnasurt Mountain, Lovozero massif,
Kola Peninsula, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0015330
15.1 17.6 5.290 90 100.5 90 C2/m
atom       x      y     z  occ Uiso
Na1       .5  .2997     0      .019
Na2       .5      0     0      .040
Mn1        0      0     0      .013
Mn2       .5 .40289    .5      .017
Ti        .5  .2039    .5 .113 .025
Si1   .31210 .41406 .0569      .010
Si2   .30524 .32828 .5497      .011
O1     .4198  .4133 .1184      .016
O2     .0882  .1816 .4077      .021
O3       .25    .25    .5      .028
OH4    .0678      0  .361      .020
O5     .2718     .5  .006      .012
O6     .2295  .1328 .2036      .013
O7     .2686  .3802 .2936      .014
Wat8   .4018      0  .304      .042
Wat9   .0720  .3992  .271      .054
Wat10  .4176  .2096  .201      .062
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