American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

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Kitahama K, Kiriyama R, Yoshihisa B
Acta Crystallographica B31 (1975) 322-324
Refinement of the crystal structure of scorodite
_database_code_amcsd 0009529
10.325 8.953 10.038 90 90 90 Pbca
atom      x       y       z  B(1,1)  B(2,2)  B(3,3)   B(1,2)   B(1,3)   B(2,3)
As   .34799  .03556 -.13618 .001008 .001310 .001042 -.000054 -.000024 -.000083
Fe   .37359  .14651  .18278 .000844 .001497 .001017  .000027 -.000048  .000000
O1   .19917  .00327 -.19453 .001431 .002620 .002084  .000081 -.000482 -.001864
O2   .35791  .00678  .02939 .002509 .001809 .001116 -.000135 -.000072  .000056
O3   .39294  .21230 -.16644 .002603 .001653 .002605 -.000947  .000410  .000723
O4   .44796 -.08264 -.21656 .002064 .002464 .001762  .000568 -.000072 -.000779
Wat1 .19851  .23012  .11835 .001735 .003025 .003523  .000838 -.000603  .000389
Wat2 .44653  .32843  .06932 .002931 .003680 .001861 -.001001 -.000338  .000334
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Hawthorne F C
Acta Crystallographica B32 (1976) 2891-2892
The hydrogen positions in scorodite
Locality: not given
_database_code_amcsd 0018660
8.937 10.278 9.996 90 90 90 Pcab
atom     x     y     z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Fe   .1468 .1269 .1823 1.59  .0052  .0035  .0041  .0001  .0002  .0001
As   .4646 .1516 .3636 1.42  .0045  .0032  .0037  .0000  .0001  .0001
O1   .4955 .3012 .3044 1.83  .0064  .0034  .0050 -.0003  .0002  .0006
O2   .5831 .0508 .2830 1.83  .0066  .0038  .0045 -.0002  .0016  .0000
O3   .2859 .1102 .3329 2.02  .0045  .0062  .0051 -.0011 -.0008  .0003
O4   .4951 .1426 .5293 1.84  .0054  .0052  .0041  .0003 -.0002  .0002
OW1  .3282 .5543 .4305 2.35  .0081  .0060  .0048  .0005 -.0002  .0010
OW2  .2277 .8006 .3836 1.98  .0053  .0044  .0060  .0000 -.0008 -.0001
H1    .377  .476  .397  1.5
H2    .301  .534  .501  1.5
H3    .157  .854  .297  1.5
H4    .310  .810  .418  1.5
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Xu Y, Zhou G P, Zheng X F
Acta Crystallographica E63 (2007) i67-i69
Redetermination of iron(III) arsenate dihydrate
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0010474
8.942 10.075 10.339 90 90 90 Pbca
atom      x       y      z   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3)  U(2,3)
As   .03548  .13613 .15181 .00784  .0082  .0061  .0092 .00017 .00019 -.00045
Fe   .14664 -.18243 .12664 .00875  .0091  .0076  .0096  .0001  .0001  -.0002
O1    .0069  -.0295  .1428  .0109  .0099  .0058  .0170  .0002  .0017   .0000
O2    .2139   .1654  .1093  .0129  .0101  .0096  .0190 -.0021  .0031  -.0022
O3    .0037   .1951  .3012  .0123  .0167  .0106  .0098  .0016 -.0001  -.0027
O4   -.0834   .2159  .0511  .0139  .0165  .0129  .0121  .0055 -.0048  -.0022
O1W   .2293  -.1175  .3004  .0143  .0121  .0177  .0132 -.0034 -.0014   .0012
H1A    .189   -.153   .365   .021
H1B    .321   -.108   .319   .021
O2W   .3285  -.0701  .0547  .0181  .0215  .0083  .0246 -.0004  .0069   .0002
H2A    .359   -.093  -.018   .027
H2B    .315   .0120   .063   .027
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