Senaite |
Armbruster T, Kunz M |
European Journal of Mineralogy 2 (1990) 163-170 |
Cation arrangement in a unusual uranium-rich senaite: crystal |
structure study at 130 K |
_database_code_amcsd 0006379 |
10.439 10.439 21.091 90 90 120 R-3 |
atom x y z occ Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
PbA 0 0 .0134 .254 2.31 .0328 .0328 .0222 .0164 0 0 |
UM1 0 0 .5 .466 .74 .0097 .0097 .0086 .0048 0 0 |
FeM2 0 0 .3102 .667 .66 .0086 .0086 .0080 .0043 0 0 |
FeM3 .1843 .1438 .1656 .778 .78 .0090 .0095 .0112 .0044 .0009 .0001 |
TiM4 -.0842 .2446 .3920 .925 .89 .0097 .0117 .0115 .0046 .0023 -.0009 |
TiM5 .0766 -.2416 .3984 .899 .79 .0102 .0118 .0078 .0054 .0006 .0003 |
FeM6a 0 0 .3904 .093 1.8 |
FeM6b 0 0 .3643 .093 1.8 |
FeM7 .1099 .3664 .1660 .118 2.71 .031 .027 .045 .014 .000 -.004 |
FeM8 .1760 .1189 .0564 .133 4.67 .04 .04 .10 .016 .011 .018 |
FeM9 .1774 .1270 .2732 .113 2.46 .030 .023 .037 .010 -.006 -.002 |
O1 -.1311 .0550 .4381 1.34 .012 .013 .021 .003 .003 -.002 |
O2 -.2876 -.4925 .4443 1.37 .016 .014 .023 .008 .004 .002 |
O3 .3583 .2570 .5584 1.06 .017 .011 .014 .009 .000 .000 |
O4 -.4074 -.4395 .5507 1.24 .017 .012 .019 .008 -.002 -.001 |
O5 .0522 .1974 .3352 1.19 .019 .020 .016 .009 .006 .007 |
O6 .3645 .2667 .3396 1.38 .020 .023 .015 .014 -.000 -.000 |
O7 0 0 .2142 1.06 .009 .009 .022 .004 0 0 |
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Senaite |
Grey I E, Lloyd D J |
Acta Crystallographica B32 (1976) 1509-1513 |
The crystal structure of senaite |
Locality: Diamantina region, Brazil |
_database_code_amcsd 0009559 |
9.172 9.172 9.172 69.020 69.020 69.020 R-3 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
PbM0 0 0 0 .83 2.13 |
TiM3 .3486 .0190 .1263 .2767 .43 |
FeM3 .3486 .0190 .1263 .7233 .43 |
TiM4 .3076 .1494 .7184 .62 |
TiM5 .4737 .6412 .0840 .58 |
FeM2 .3101 .3101 .3101 .53 |
MnM1 .5 .5 .5 .47 |
O1 .3013 .3771 .6280 .71 |
O2 .1492 .9413 .2394 .64 |
O3 .9176 .3030 .4590 1.05 |
O4 .1426 .9909 .5127 1.01 |
O5 .3933 .1339 .4874 1.67 |
O6 .7091 .0718 .2453 .85 |
O7 .2134 .2134 .2134 1.58 |
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