CaCoSi2O6 Ghose S, Wan C, Okamura F P American Mineralogist 72 (1987) 375-381 Crystal structures of CaNiSi2O6 and CaCoSi2O6 and some crystal-chemical relations in C2/c clinopyroxenes _database_code_amcsd 0001074 9.806 8.950 5.243 90 105.45 90 C2/c atom x y z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) Co1 0 .90750 .25 .00136 .00142 .00415 0 .00045 0 Ca2 0 .29907 .25 .00227 .00210 .00551 0 .00000 0 SiT .28727 .09262 .23080 .00113 .00129 .00398 -.00007 .00057 -.00009 O1 .1176 .0881 .1473 .00128 .00209 .00580 .00001 .00070 .00017 O2 .3613 .2487 .3222 .00255 .00161 .00768 -.00065 .00105 -.00026 O3 .3508 .0192 -.0061 .00156 .00226 .00538 -.00003 .00090 -.00116