Magnesite Bromiley F A, Boffa Ballaran T, Langenhorst F, Seifert F American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 829-836 Order and miscibility in the otavite - magnesite solid solution Locality: synthetic Sample: X_Mg = .55, synthesized at 600 C, 1 GPa, 19 h _database_code_amcsd 0004335 4.7752 4.7752 15.673 90 90 120 R-3 atom x y z occ Uiso CdA 0 0 0 .552 .019 MgA 0 0 0 .448 .019 MgB 0 0 .5 .652 .019 CdB 0 0 .5 .348 .019 C 0 0 .244 .024 O .252 -.026 .255 .021