_chemical_name_mineral 'Albite'
'Harlow G E'
_journal_name_full 'American Mineralogist'
_journal_volume 67 
_journal_year 1982
_journal_page_first 975
_journal_page_last 996
 The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition
 Note: Or = 22.3, T = 23 C
_database_code_amcsd 0019654
_chemical_compound_source 'Mt Gibele, Pantelleria Islands, Italy'
_chemical_formula_sum 'Na.71 K.224 Ca.069 (Al Si3) O8'
_cell_length_a 8.252
_cell_length_b 12.936
_cell_length_c 7.139
_cell_angle_alpha 92.11
_cell_angle_beta 116.32
_cell_angle_gamma 90.22
_cell_volume 682.434
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn      2.599
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'C -1'
Na   0.27430   0.00330   0.13530   0.71000
K   0.27430   0.00330   0.13530   0.22400
Ca   0.27430   0.00330   0.13530   0.06900
Al1   0.00850   0.17110   0.21850   0.25000
Si1   0.00850   0.17110   0.21850   0.75000
Al2   0.00600   0.81640   0.22710   0.25000
Si2   0.00600   0.81640   0.22710   0.75000
Al3   0.69330   0.11150   0.32890   0.25000
Si3   0.69330   0.11150   0.32890   0.75000
Al4   0.69040   0.87980   0.34960   0.25000
Si4   0.69040   0.87980   0.34960   0.75000
O1   0.00330   0.13770   0.99070   1.00000
O2   0.59940   0.99450   0.28020   1.00000
O3   0.82190   0.11940   0.20920   1.00000
O4   0.82120   0.85310   0.23810   1.00000
O5   0.02070   0.29640   0.26880   1.00000
O6   0.02270   0.68990   0.23120   1.00000
O7   0.19160   0.11710   0.39430   1.00000
O8   0.18810   0.87010   0.41910   1.00000
Al1 0.02355 0.01608 0.01429 0.00000 0.01126 0.00209
Si1 0.02355 0.01608 0.01429 0.00000 0.01126 0.00209
Al2 0.02272 0.01354 0.01367 0.00533 0.01054 0.00335
Si2 0.02272 0.01354 0.01367 0.00533 0.01054 0.00335
Al3 0.02216 0.01100 0.01739 0.00242 0.01054 0.00209
Si3 0.02216 0.01100 0.01739 0.00242 0.01054 0.00209
Al4 0.02327 0.01100 0.01677 0.00339 0.01078 0.00251
Si4 0.02327 0.01100 0.01677 0.00339 0.01078 0.00251
O1 0.04155 0.02962 0.02257 0.00581 0.01820 0.00502
O2 0.03241 0.01608 0.02857 0.00242 0.01245 0.00335
O3 0.03546 0.03723 0.03665 0.00048 0.02299 0.00460
O4 0.03241 0.03723 0.03541 0.00678 0.02084 0.00167
O5 0.03186 0.02285 0.02837 0.00048 0.01509 -0.00042
O6 0.03213 0.02031 0.02650 0.00436 0.01054 0.00251
O7 0.03490 0.02454 0.02174 0.00436 0.01054 0.00460
O8 0.03213 0.02454 0.02381 0.00242 0.00910 0.00042