      Moore P B, Shen J, Araki T
      American Mineralogist 70 (1985) 171-181
      Crystal chemistry of the (M2)3+ phi2 sheet: Structural principles and crystal
      structures of ruizite, macfallite and orientite
      Locality: Nchwaning mine, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
      _database_code_amcsd 0000967

      CELL PARAMETERS:    9.0640   6.1710  11.9760   90.000   91.400   90.000
      SPACE GROUP: C2/m      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    669.665
      Density (g/cm3):      2.689
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      35.29951805    
      RIR:      4.274
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                 7.38        100.00       11.9724    0   0   1         2
                17.39         18.66        5.1005    1   1   0         4
                18.82          2.87        4.7159   -1   1   1         4
                19.59          2.97        4.5306    2   0   0         2
                21.14         19.32        4.2035    2   0   1         2
                22.28          3.34        3.9908    0   0   3         2
                23.06          1.21        3.8563    1   1   2         4
                24.35          5.05        3.6558   -2   0   2         2
                24.94          1.72        3.5709    2   0   2         2
                28.59         14.26        3.1223    1   1   3         4
                28.94          4.09        3.0855    0   2   0         2
                29.46          2.77        3.0317   -2   0   3         2
                29.90          4.71        2.9879    0   2   1         4
                30.20          6.29        2.9591    2   0   3         2
                32.65         11.62        2.7426    0   2   2         4
                33.02          2.87        2.7129    3   1   0         4
                33.71          6.17        2.6584   -3   1   1         4
                34.04          3.11        2.6334    3   1   1         4
                34.54          6.30        2.5971   -1   1   4         4
                34.97          1.86        2.5661    1   1   4         4
                35.19          9.15        2.5503    2   2   0         4
                35.54          7.61        2.5259   -2   0   4         2
                35.90          1.59        2.5013   -2   2   1         4
                36.05          2.00        2.4916   -3   1   2         4
                36.11          1.88        2.4873    2   2   1         4
                38.56         10.65        2.3347    2   2   2         4
                42.26          3.81        2.1387   -2   0   5         2
                42.32          2.69        2.1357    2   2   3         4
                45.56          2.45        1.9911   -4   0   3         2
                45.62          1.39        1.9885    3   1   4         4
                45.83          1.02        1.9801   -1   3   1         4
                48.10          1.95        1.8917    0   2   5         4
                49.89          1.27        1.8279   -4   0   4         2
                51.16          3.23        1.7854    4   0   4         2
                52.07          2.52        1.7563   -4   2   2         4
                52.69          4.10        1.7371    4   2   2         4
                53.58          2.05        1.7103    0   0   7         2
                53.93          1.26        1.7002    3   3   0         4
                54.40          1.38        1.6865   -3   3   1         4
                54.79          2.34        1.6756    0   2   6         4
                55.77          6.77        1.6482    4   2   3         4
                58.32          2.53        1.5821   -2   2   6         4
                59.96          4.32        1.5428    0   4   0         2
                62.01          1.31        1.4966    0   0   8         2
                63.45          4.08        1.4660   -4   2   5         4
                64.32          1.09        1.4483    2   4   1         4
                66.21          1.34        1.4115    2   2   7         4
                69.58          1.54        1.3511   -6   2   1         4
                70.90          1.72        1.3292   -6   2   2         4
                71.68          1.60        1.3166   -2   4   4         4
                78.26          1.54        1.2216    0   2   9         4
                82.66          1.04        1.1673    4   4   4         4
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.