      Steinfink H, Sans F J
      American Mineralogist 44 (1959) 679-682
      Refinement of the crystal structure of dolomite
      _database_code_amcsd 0000086

      CELL PARAMETERS:    4.8150   4.8150  16.1190   90.000   90.000  120.000
      SPACE GROUP: R-3       
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    323.639
      Density (g/cm3):      2.838
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      24.14536753    
      RIR:      2.770
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                22.02          2.05        4.0370    1   0   1         6
                24.03          2.21        3.7036    0   1   2         6
                30.86        100.00        2.8977    1   0   4         6
                33.35          4.60        2.6865    0   0   6         2
                35.19          5.19        2.5505    0   1   5         6
                37.35         11.44        2.4075    1   1   0         6
                41.08         17.99        2.1970    1   1   3         6
                41.08          5.68        2.1970    2  -1   3         6
                43.78          4.13        2.0677    0   2   1         6
                44.91         13.87        2.0185    2   0   2         6
                49.20          4.36        1.8518    0   2   4         6
                50.29         18.07        1.8142    0   1   8         6
                50.93          6.78        1.7929    1   1   6         6
                50.93         12.85        1.7929    2  -1   6         6
                50.99          1.24        1.7910    0   0   9         2
                58.87          2.51        1.5686    3  -1   1         6
                58.87          1.93        1.5686    2   1   1         6
                59.79          3.00        1.5468    1   2   2         6
                59.79          6.96        1.5468   -1   3   2         6
                63.37          3.19        1.4678    3  -1   4         6
                63.37          2.44        1.4678    2   1   4         6
                64.29          2.68        1.4489    2   0   8         6
                64.89          2.24        1.4370    2  -1   9         6
                65.98          2.73        1.4159   -1   3   5         6
                67.37          6.67        1.3900    3   0   0         6
                70.05          3.72        1.3432    0   0  12         2
                72.70          2.17        1.3006    2   1   7         6
                74.39          2.92        1.2752    0   2  10         6
                76.78          2.53        1.2414    1   2   8         6
                82.17          1.87        1.1730    1   1  12         6
                86.33          1.01        1.1269    2   1  10         6
                86.33          1.43        1.1269    3  -1  10         6
                87.81          1.52        1.1116    1   3   4         6
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.