Sugaki A, Shima H, Kitakaze A, Mizota T
American Mineralogist 66 (1981) 398-402
Hydrothermal synthesis of nukundamite and its crystal structure
_database_code_amcsd 0000828
3.7830 3.7830 11.1950 90 90 120 P-3m1
atom   x   y     z  occ Biso
Cu1  2/3 1/3 .1547 .848 0.87
Fe1  2/3 1/3 .1547 .152 0.87
Cu2  2/3 1/3 .5790 .848 1.92
Fe2  2/3 1/3 .5790 .152 1.92
S1     0   0 .0921      1.08
S2   2/3 1/3 .3609      0.96