      Redhammer G J, Tippelt G, Roth G, Amthauer G
      American Mineralogist 89 (2004) 405-420
      Structural variations in the brownmillerite series Ca2(Fe2-xAlx)O5:
      Single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 25 deg C and high temperature
      X-ray powder diffraction (25 C <= T <= 1000 C)
      Sample: bht095_2
      Locality: synthetic
      _database_code_amcsd 0003437

      CELL PARAMETERS:    5.3510  14.5256   5.5685   90.000   90.000   90.000
      SPACE GROUP: I2mb      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    432.820
      Density (g/cm3):      3.788
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      27.40453329    
      RIR:      2.356
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                12.19         31.26        7.2628    0   2   0         2
                17.05          2.85        5.1995    0   1   1         4
                23.05          5.93        3.8583    1   0   1         2
                24.36         12.01        3.6538    0   3   1         4
                24.51          3.77        3.6314    0   4   0         2
                26.15          3.77        3.4074    1   2   1         4
                32.15         34.89        2.7843    0   0   2         2
                33.49         44.33        2.6755    2   0   0         1
                33.90        100.00        2.6444    1   4   1         4
                34.83         10.16        2.5757    0   5   1         4
                36.92          3.63        2.4350    1   1   2         4
                40.84          3.71        2.2095    0   4   2         4
                41.85          5.53        2.1586    2   3   1         4
                41.94          3.42        2.1540    2   4   0         2
                44.16         23.54        2.0507    1   6   1         4
                47.11         44.07        1.9292    2   0   2         2
                48.37          2.65        1.8817    1   5   2         4
                48.85         11.04        1.8645    2   2   2         4
                50.25         18.40        1.8157    0   8   0         2
                50.87          1.46        1.7951    2   6   0         2
                52.82          7.69        1.7332    0   3   3         4
                55.56          1.73        1.6540    3   2   1         4
                55.97          2.19        1.6429    1   8   1         4
                58.05          2.80        1.5888    1   7   2         4
                58.44         17.54        1.5792    1   4   3         4
                59.06          2.58        1.5642    0   5   3         4
                60.14         19.89        1.5386    3   4   1         4
                60.91          6.30        1.5209    0   8   2         4
                61.74          8.29        1.5024    2   8   0         2
                62.13          2.44        1.4939    3   1   2         4
                64.01          4.20        1.4546    2   3   3         4
                65.75          4.73        1.4202    1   6   3         4
                67.25          2.22        1.3921    0   0   4         2
                67.34          5.46        1.3905    3   6   1         4
                68.65          3.96        1.3672    0   2   4         4
                69.10          2.63        1.3594    1  10   1         4
                69.63          3.55        1.3503    2   5   3         4
                70.15          1.68        1.3415    1   1   4         4
                70.38          4.83        1.3377    4   0   0         1
                70.60          1.13        1.3342    3   5   2         4
                71.33         12.91        1.3222    2   8   2         4
                71.74          2.18        1.3156    4   2   0         2
                77.25          1.28        1.2350    2   0   4         2
                78.57          1.05        1.2175    2   2   4         4
                78.64          1.73        1.2167    3   7   2         4
                78.97          4.79        1.2123    3   4   3         4
                79.49          3.22        1.2058    4   0   2         2
                83.27          3.29        1.1604    2  10   2         4
                83.75          3.62        1.1550    1  12   1         4
                85.49          2.90        1.1358    3   6   3         4
                86.04          2.58        1.1300    1   7   4         4
                88.50          1.17        1.1048    0   8   4         4
                88.58          1.41        1.1040    3  10   1         4
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.