Antao S M, Mulder W H, Hassan I, Crichton W A, Parise J B
American Mineralogist 89 (2004) 1142-1147
Cation disorder in dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2, and its influence on the
aragonite+magnesite - dolomite reaction boundary
Sample: P = 3 GPa, T = 1320 K
_database_code_amcsd 0003614
4.8055 4.8055 16.1791 90 90 120 R-3
atom     x      y     z  occ  Uiso
Ca       0      0     0 .872 .1317
Mg       0      0     0 .128 .1317
Mg       0      0    .5 .872 .1317
Ca       0      0    .5 .128 .1317
C        0      0 .2509       .071
O    .2408 -.0407 .2408      .1114