Nestola F, Tribaudino M, Ballaran T B, Liebske C, Bruno M
American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 1492-1501
The crystal structures of pyroxenes along the jadeite - hedenbergite and
jadeite - aegirine joins
Locality: synthetic
Sample: Jd53Hd47
_database_code_amcsd 0004449
9.6031 8.7735 5.2656 90 106.725 90 C2/c
atom        x      y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NaM2        0 .30094    .25 .53 .0124  .0165  .0093  .0090      0 -.0001      0
CaM2        0 .30094    .25 .47 .0124  .0165  .0093  .0090      0 -.0001      0
FeM2'       0   .257    .25 .03  .007
AlM1        0 .90504    .25 .52 .0074  .0075  .0080  .0065      0  .0019      0
Fe2+M1      0 .90504    .25 .48 .0074  .0075  .0080  .0065      0  .0019      0
SiT    .28845 .09209 .22982     .0066  .0068  .0077  .0056  .0003  .0025 -.0011
O1      .1126  .0808  .1366     .0143  .0069  .0191  .0168  .0024  .0030 -.0046
O2      .3600  .2554  .3079     .0131  .0190  .0095  .0102 -.0004  .0032 -.0012
O3      .3518  .0133  .0013     .0098  .0090  .0128  .0080  .0010  .0033 -.0022