      Mumme W G, Grey I E, Birch W D, Pring A, Bougerol C, Wilson N C
      American Mineralogist 95 (2010) 736-740
      Coulsellite, CaNa3AlMg3F14, a rhombohedral pyrochlore with 1:3 ordering
      in both A and B sites, from the Cleveland mine, Tasmania, Australia
      Locality: Cleveland tin mine, Luina, western Tasmania
      _database_code_amcsd 0020643

      CELL PARAMETERS:    7.1756   7.1756   7.1756   59.867   59.867   59.867
      SPACE GROUP: R-3m      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    260.464
      Density (g/cm3):      3.027
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      13.71940369    
      RIR:      1.476
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                15.11          8.07        5.8647    1   1   1         2
                15.15          3.97        5.8490    1   0   0         6
                17.50          9.48        5.0688    1   1   0         6
                24.82          3.02        3.5878    2   1   1         6
                24.87          1.57        3.5806    0  -1   1         6
                29.18          1.82        3.0605    2   2   1         6
                29.22          5.11        3.0560    2   1   0        12
                29.24          4.21        3.0538    1  -1   1         6
                30.48         30.66        2.9324    2   2   2         2
                30.57        100.00        2.9245    2   0   0         6
                38.65         15.44        2.3294    3   2   2         6
                38.70          3.40        2.3265    3   1   1         6
                38.75         28.49        2.3235    0  -1   2        12
                43.67          1.71        2.0728    3   3   2         6
                43.76          8.21        2.0686    3   1   0        12
                43.79          1.46        2.0673    1  -2   1         6
                46.45          5.19        1.9549    3   3   3         2
                46.55          4.21        1.9508    3   2   0        12
                46.58         12.91        1.9497    3   0   0         6
                46.58          4.11        1.9497    2  -1   2         6
                50.90         55.81        1.7939    4   2   2         6
                51.01         48.84        1.7903    0  -2   2         6
                53.52          1.30        1.7123    3  -1   1        12
                57.46          4.41        1.6039    4   3   1        12
                57.53          2.56        1.6019    3  -1   2        12
                59.85          2.57        1.5453    4   1   0        12
                60.50          9.64        1.5303    4   4   2         6
                60.60         24.57        1.5280    4   2   0        12
                60.65          7.84        1.5269    2  -2   2         6
                63.63          4.34        1.4623    4   0   0         6
                65.68          2.24        1.4215    5   3   3         6
                65.86          1.75        1.4182    0  -2   3        12
                71.39          1.97        1.3212    5   4   2        12
                71.45          1.48        1.3203    5   3   1        12
                71.53          1.42        1.3190    4  -1   2        12
                71.55          1.18        1.3187    3  -2   2        12
                74.94         10.29        1.2672    4   4   0         6
                77.02          3.05        1.2382    5   2   0        12
                77.08          1.59        1.2373    2  -3   2         6
                80.27          1.23        1.1959    5   2   5         6
                80.38          1.24        1.1946    5   3   0        12
                80.45          1.28        1.1938    3  -2   3         6
                80.47          2.52        1.1935    0  -3   3         6
                83.15          7.12        1.1618    0  -2   4        12
                85.80          3.83        1.1325    4  -2   2        12
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.