Lenaz D, Youbi N, Min A D, Boumehdi M A, Abbou M B
American Mineralogist 99 (2014) 267-275
Low intra-crystalline closure temperatures of Cr-bearing spinels from the mantle
xenoliths of the Middle AtlasNeogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field (Morocco):
Mineralogical evidence of a cooler mantle beneath the West African Craton.
Note:Sample MAR-TF6
Locality:Middle Atlas Neogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field of Morocco
_database_code_amcsd 0020065
8.1339 8.1339 8.1339 90 90 90 *Fd3m
.125 .125 .125
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
MgT    .125   .125   .125 .760 .0061  .0061  .0061  .0061       0       0       0
FeT    .125   .125   .125 .240 .0061  .0061  .0061  .0061       0       0       0
AlM      .5     .5     .5 .859 .0050  .0050  .0050  .0050 -.00026 -.00026 -.00026
CrM      .5     .5     .5 .141 .0050  .0050  .0050  .0050 -.00026 -.00026 -.00026
O    .26276 .26276 .26276      .0081  .0081  .0081  .0081  -.0002  -.0002  -.0002