Peterson R C, Grey I E
The Canadian Mineralogist 33 (1995) 1083-1089
Preparation and structure refinement of synthetic Ti-containing
lindsleyite, BaMn3Ti18O38
_database_code_amcsd 0005464
10.4369 10.4369 20.8871 90 90 120 R-3
atom     x     y     z Biso
BaA      0     0     0  .59
MnT      0     0 .3103  .48
MnM1     0     0    .5  .83
TiM2 .1860 .1434 .1650  .39
TiM3 .9173 .2402 .3926  .49
TiM4 .0714 .7589 .3989  .42
O1    .874  .065 .4355   .6
O2    .706  .505 .4432   .4
O3    .365  .260 .5589   .0
O4    .600  .563 .5511  1.1
O5    .054  .207 .3373   .8
O6    .358  .262 .3413   .2
O7       0     0 .2131   .4