_chemical_name_mineral 'Magneiosadanagaite'
'Hawthorne F C'
'Harlow G E'
_journal_name_full 'The Canadian Mineralogist'
_journal_volume 46 
_journal_year 2008
_journal_page_first 151
_journal_page_last 162
 The crystal chemistry of Al-rich amphiboles: sadanagaite and potassic-ferrisadanagaite
_database_code_amcsd 0006160
_chemical_compound_source 'Dattaw mine, Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Myanmar'
_chemical_formula_sum 'Na.86 K.17 Ca1.95 Mg3.35 Fe.22 Al3.7 Ti.16 Cr.07 Si5.5 O23.58 (F.42 H1.58)'
_cell_length_a 9.857
_cell_length_b 17.899
_cell_length_c 5.318
_cell_angle_alpha 90
_cell_angle_beta 105.36
_cell_angle_gamma 90
_cell_volume 904.743
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn      3.123
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'C 1 2/m 1'
NaAm   0.01700   0.50000   0.03900   0.18000   0.02920
KAm   0.01700   0.50000   0.03900   0.02500   0.02920
KAm*   0.04900   0.50000   0.10600   0.06000   0.02920
NaA2   0.50000  -0.02980   0.00000   0.22500   0.02920
CaM4   0.00000   0.28115   0.50000   0.97500   0.01030
NaM4   0.00000   0.28115   0.50000   0.02500   0.01030
MgM1   0.00000   0.08994   0.50000   0.93500   0.00710
Fe2+M1   0.00000   0.08994   0.50000   0.06500   0.00710
AlM2   0.00000   0.17641   0.00000   0.60000   0.00520
TiM2   0.00000   0.17641   0.00000   0.08000   0.00520
CrM2   0.00000   0.17641   0.00000   0.03500   0.00520
MgM2   0.00000   0.17641   0.00000   0.28500   0.00520
MgM3   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.91000   0.00650
Fe2+M3   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.09000   0.00650
SiT1   0.27989   0.08649   0.30485   0.51500   0.01060
AlT1   0.27989   0.08649   0.30485   0.48500   0.01060
SiT2   0.29138   0.17420   0.81875   0.86000   0.00930
AlT2   0.29138   0.17420   0.81875   0.14000   0.00930
O1   0.10412   0.09060   0.21240   1.00000   0.01220
O2   0.11794   0.17446   0.74160   1.00000   0.01100
O-H3   0.10850   0.00000   0.71350   0.79000   0.01490
F3   0.10850   0.00000   0.71350   0.21000   0.01490
O4   0.37010   0.25257   0.79330   1.00000   0.01270
O5   0.35220   0.14183   0.11770   1.00000   0.01330
O6   0.34200   0.11722   0.61270   1.00000   0.01400
O7   0.33700   0.00000   0.27530   1.00000   0.01650
CaM4 0.01220 0.00910 0.01000 0.00000 0.00390 0.00000
NaM4 0.01220 0.00910 0.01000 0.00000 0.00390 0.00000
MgM1 0.00890 0.00730 0.00520 0.00000 0.00180 0.00000
Fe2+M1 0.00890 0.00730 0.00520 0.00000 0.00180 0.00000
AlM2 0.00530 0.00540 0.00490 0.00000 0.00120 0.00000
TiM2 0.00530 0.00540 0.00490 0.00000 0.00120 0.00000
CrM2 0.00530 0.00540 0.00490 0.00000 0.00120 0.00000
MgM2 0.00530 0.00540 0.00490 0.00000 0.00120 0.00000
MgM3 0.00830 0.00520 0.00540 0.00000 0.00090 0.00000
Fe2+M3 0.00830 0.00520 0.00540 0.00000 0.00090 0.00000
SiT1 0.01110 0.01050 0.00980 -0.00080 0.00200 -0.00010
AlT1 0.01110 0.01050 0.00980 -0.00080 0.00200 -0.00010
SiT2 0.01020 0.00910 0.00840 0.00010 0.00210 0.00050
AlT2 0.01020 0.00910 0.00840 0.00010 0.00210 0.00050
O1 0.01020 0.01670 0.00970 -0.00290 0.00230 -0.00070
O2 0.01180 0.01030 0.00980 0.00020 0.00120 0.00150
O-H3 0.01500 0.01520 0.01400 0.00000 0.00310 0.00000
F3 0.01500 0.01520 0.01400 0.00000 0.00310 0.00000
O4 0.01770 0.00970 0.01230 0.00060 0.00680 0.00070
O5 0.01220 0.01390 0.01270 -0.00130 0.00130 0.00310
O6 0.01160 0.01460 0.01450 0.00140 0.00100 -0.00340
O7 0.01640 0.01510 0.01920 0.00000 0.00670 0.00000