_amcsd_formula_title 'U4Cs2Se5O25'
'Wylie E M'
'Burns P C'
_journal_name_full 'The Canadian Mineralogist'
_journal_volume 50 
_journal_year 2012
_journal_page_first 147
_journal_page_last 157
 Crystal structures of six new uranyl selenate and selenite compounds and
 their relationship with uranyl mineral structures
 Note: Compound 6
_database_code_amcsd 0019090
_chemical_compound_source 'Synthetic'
_chemical_formula_sum 'U4 Cs2 Se5 O25 H4'
_cell_length_a 10.913
_cell_length_b 12.427
_cell_length_c 18.448
_cell_angle_alpha 90
_cell_angle_beta 90.393
_cell_angle_gamma 90
_cell_volume 2501.782
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn      5.354
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 21/n 1'
U1   0.73900   0.86175   0.17886   1.00000   0.00782
U2   0.44464   0.19852   0.01753   1.00000   0.00766
U3   0.16773   0.79090  -0.00295   1.00000   0.00795
U4   0.25014   0.23466   0.20914   1.00000   0.00751
Cs1   0.99212   0.54470   0.15661   1.00000   0.02730
Cs2   0.39356   0.52364   0.10535   1.00000   0.03000
Se1   0.14978   0.13421   0.02017   1.00000   0.00800
Se2   0.07673   0.90689   0.17951   1.00000   0.00840
Se3   0.08895   0.77475  -0.18237   1.00000   0.00970
Se4   0.59145   0.23683   0.17017   1.00000   0.00950
Se5   0.40104   0.85818   0.13498   1.00000   0.00810
O1   0.43620   0.33530  -0.01050   1.00000   0.01000
O2   0.09320   0.77720   0.21070   1.00000   0.00800
O3   0.04660   0.22560  -0.01000   1.00000   0.00900
O4   0.55240   0.83370   0.11440   1.00000   0.00700
O5   0.15350   0.89890   0.10040   1.00000   0.00900
O6   0.64130   0.23720   0.08230   1.00000   0.01000
O7   0.44320   0.26850   0.14310   1.00000   0.01000
O8   0.94370   0.82260  -0.17990   1.00000   0.01200
O9   0.17690   0.66650   0.04440   1.00000   0.01200
O10   0.21510   0.37350   0.19650   1.00000   0.01000
O11   0.25720   0.13960  -0.04650   1.00000   0.01200
O12   0.70190   0.00070   0.19050   1.00000   0.01400
O13   0.35370   0.74540   0.17740   1.00000   0.01400
O14   0.10120   0.70250  -0.10460   1.00000   0.01200
O15   0.14970   0.91350  -0.05260   1.00000   0.01300
O16   0.29060   0.09800   0.22520   1.00000   0.01400
O17   0.08020   0.66790  -0.23970   1.00000   0.00900
O18   0.77100   0.72080   0.17530   1.00000   0.01200
O19   0.24350   0.21060   0.07750   1.00000   0.01400
O20   0.36420   0.82930   0.04630   1.00000   0.01300
O21   0.64940   0.35150   0.20390   1.00000   0.01100
O22  -0.06850   0.90650   0.14990   1.00000   0.01200
O23   0.45440   0.06840   0.05440   1.00000   0.01400
Wat24   0.12190   0.44130   0.01570   1.00000   0.06000
Wat25   0.29900   0.49700  -0.08940   1.00000   0.07000
U1 0.00610 0.01130 0.00610 0.00010 0.00040 0.00030
U2 0.00590 0.01130 0.00570 -0.00010 0.00030 -0.00080
U3 0.00640 0.01050 0.00690 -0.00040 -0.00040 0.00040
U4 0.00600 0.00990 0.00660 0.00010 0.00040 -0.00080
Cs1 0.02430 0.01850 0.03900 -0.00380 -0.00470 0.00430
Cs2 0.04040 0.01490 0.03500 0.00170 0.01740 0.00350
Se1 0.00570 0.01090 0.00730 -0.00010 0.00190 -0.00060
Se2 0.00670 0.01230 0.00620 0.00140 0.00050 -0.00010
Se3 0.00630 0.01320 0.00970 -0.00090 -0.00010 -0.00180
Se4 0.00660 0.01430 0.00750 0.00070 -0.00090 -0.00170
Se5 0.00570 0.01170 0.00700 -0.00080 0.00030 -0.00130