_chemical_name_mineral 'Schindlerite'
'Kampf A R'
'Hughes J M'
'Marty J'
'Nash B'
_journal_name_full 'The Canadian Mineralogist'
_journal_volume 51 
_journal_year 2013
_journal_page_first 297
_journal_page_last 312
 Wernerbaurite, {[Ca(H2O)7]2(H2O)2(H3O)2}{V10O28}, and schindlerite,
 {[Na2(H2O)10](H3O)4}{V10O28}, the first hydronium-bearing decavanadate minerals
_database_code_amcsd 0019899
_chemical_compound_source 'St. Jude mine, San Miguel County, Colorado, U.S.A.'
_chemical_formula_sum 'V5 (Na.79 K.18 Ca.02 Sr.01) O21 H16'
_cell_length_a 8.5143
_cell_length_b 10.4283
_cell_length_c 11.2827
_cell_angle_alpha 68.595
_cell_angle_beta 87.253
_cell_angle_gamma 67.112
_cell_volume 854.077
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn      2.464
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P -1'
V1   0.37680   0.78287   0.49749   1.00000   0.02084
V2   0.69006   0.50277   0.48023   1.00000   0.01792
V3   0.17151   0.78389   0.27788   1.00000   0.02334
V4   0.52664   0.49551   0.73981   1.00000   0.02051
V5   0.52942   0.79132   0.23773   1.00000   0.02263
Na   0.93135   0.66757   0.87252   0.79000   0.03470
K   0.93135   0.66757   0.87252   0.18000   0.03470
Ca   0.93135   0.66757   0.87252   0.02000   0.03470
Sr   0.93135   0.66757   0.87252   0.01000   0.03470
O1   0.43270   0.62430   0.39448   1.00000   0.01870
O2   0.60310   0.62020   0.58407   1.00000   0.02020
O3   0.31620   0.61530   0.61469   1.00000   0.02050
O4   0.48290   0.86910   0.36730   1.00000   0.02270
O5   0.73870   0.63310   0.35970   1.00000   0.02240
O6   0.17040   0.86420   0.40160   1.00000   0.02450
O7   0.29830   0.88050   0.17760   1.00000   0.02470
O8   0.43880   0.35860   0.82799   1.00000   0.02300
O9   0.87430   0.37890   0.57420   1.00000   0.02260
O10   0.74920   0.36550   0.79312   1.00000   0.02320
O11   0.61030   0.89630   0.13900   1.00000   0.03240
O12   0.34200   0.88210   0.58460   1.00000   0.02930
O13   0.97830   0.88180   0.20960   1.00000   0.03290
O14   0.49220   0.59730   0.82510   1.00000   0.02880
OW1   0.97850   0.51050   0.75910   1.00000   0.05120
H1A   1.06900   0.46700   0.72400   1.00000   0.06100
H1B   0.90800   0.46200   0.76500   1.00000   0.06100
OW2   0.03020   0.81840   0.70380   1.00000   0.05090
H2A   0.98800   0.91600   0.66100   1.00000   0.06100
H2B   1.12800   0.77200   0.67900   1.00000   0.06100
OW3   0.20840   0.48520   0.98670   1.00000   0.03690
H3A   1.27900   0.48000   1.04700   1.00000   0.04400
H3B   1.28200   0.44100   0.93900   1.00000   0.04400
OW4   0.65650   0.81780   0.75180   1.00000   0.04890
H4A   0.58900   0.78600   0.72400   1.00000   0.05900
H4B   0.62400   0.91500   0.71200   1.00000   0.05900
OW5   0.93090   0.82820   0.97370   1.00000   0.04450
H5A   0.92700   0.80100   1.05490   1.00000   0.05300
H5B   0.85600   0.92100   0.93000   1.00000   0.05300
OW6   0.82080   0.79060   0.50980   1.00000   0.02080
H6A   0.76700   0.88640   0.46700   1.00000   0.02500
H6B   0.78300   0.73600   0.50000   1.00000   0.02500
H6C   0.90500   0.77100   0.55800   1.00000   0.02500
OW7   0.28420   0.82390   0.92960   1.00000   0.05940
H7A   1.33000   0.78000   1.01400   1.00000   0.07100
H7B   1.35200   0.76000   0.89200   1.00000   0.07100
H7C   1.17800   0.82400   0.92800   1.00000   0.07100