      Fasshauer D W, Chatterjee N D, Marler B
      Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24 (1997) 455-462
      Synthesis, structure, thermodynamic properties, and stability
      relations of K-cymrite, K[AlSi3O8].H2O
      _database_code_amcsd 0008028

      CELL PARAMETERS:    5.3348   5.3348   7.7057   90.000   90.000  120.000
      SPACE GROUP: P6/mmm    
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    189.924
      Density (g/cm3):      2.610
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      16.15010207    
      RIR:      2.015
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                11.48          5.47        7.7057    0   0   1         2
                19.21         27.52        4.6201    1   0   0         6
                22.44         26.45        3.9624    1   0   1        12
                23.08         23.56        3.8528    0   0   2         2
                30.20        100.00        2.9590    1   0   2        12
                33.60         70.67        2.6674    1   1   0         6
                35.62          9.66        2.5207    1   1   1        12
                38.99          9.65        2.3100    2   0   0         6
                40.78         13.21        2.2127    2   0   1        12
                47.18         11.20        1.9264    0   0   4         2
                49.25         10.02        1.8502    1   1   3        12
                52.40          3.35        1.7462    2   1   0        12
                53.34          3.78        1.7176    2   0   3        12
                53.83          3.51        1.7030    2   1   1        24
                57.99         18.28        1.5905    2   1   2        24
                59.16         10.88        1.5617    1   1   4        12
                60.08          8.97        1.5400    3   0   0         6
                61.39          1.13        1.5102    3   0   1        12
                62.81          1.19        1.4795    2   0   4        12
                63.65          2.28        1.4619    1   0   5        12
                70.58          7.66        1.3344    1   1   5        12
                70.62         13.13        1.3337    2   2   0         6
                71.42          2.96        1.3208    3   0   3        12
                73.93          8.10        1.2820    2   0   5        12
                73.97          1.20        1.2814    3   1   0        12
                75.16          1.04        1.2640    3   1   1        24
                75.42          3.86        1.2603    2   2   2        12
                78.70          5.14        1.2159    3   1   2        24
                79.72          3.26        1.2029    3   0   4        12
                83.70          1.92        1.1555    2   1   5        24
                89.34          5.05        1.0966    2   2   4        12
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.