_chemical_name_mineral 'Samarskite-(Y)'
'Britvin S N'
'Pekov I V'
'Krzhizhanovskaya M G'
'Agakhanov A A'
'Ternes B'
'Schuller W'
'Chukanov N V'
_journal_name_full 'Physics and Chemistry of Minerals'
_journal_volume 46 
_journal_year 2019
_journal_page_first 727
_journal_page_last 741
 Redefinition and crystal chemistry of samarskite-(Y), YFe3+Nb2O8:
 cation-ordered niobate structurally related to layered double tungstates
 Sample BP-1100, originally metamict, after annealing at 1100 C
_database_code_amcsd 0021080
_chemical_compound_source 'Blyumovskaya pit, Ilmeny Mts, South Urals, Russia'
_chemical_formula_sum 'Y.61 Ce.01 Nd.01 Sm.02 Gd.02 Dy.05 Ho.02 Er.03 Tm.01 Yb.03 Th.06 Fe.88 Mn.08 Nb1.64 Ta.24 Ti.16 O8'
_cell_length_a 9.7035
_cell_length_b 5.6008
_cell_length_c 5.1637
_cell_angle_alpha 90
_cell_angle_beta 93.285
_cell_angle_gamma 90
_cell_volume 280.172
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn      5.755
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 2/c 1'
YA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.61000   0.00380
CeA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.01000   0.00380
NdA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.01000   0.00380
SmA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.02000   0.00380
GdA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.02000   0.00380
DyA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.05000   0.00380
HoA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.02000   0.00380
ErA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.03000   0.00380
TmA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.01000   0.00380
YbA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.03000   0.00380
ThA   0.00000   0.26860   0.75000   0.06000   0.00380
Fe3+M   0.50000   0.33110   0.75000   0.88000   0.01013
Mn2+M   0.50000   0.33110   0.75000   0.08000   0.01013
NbB   0.73420   0.18410   0.28530   0.82000   0.00380
TaB   0.73420   0.18410   0.28530   0.12000   0.00380
TiB   0.73420   0.18410   0.28530   0.08000   0.00380
O1   0.13800   0.07100   0.46800   1.00000   0.00380
O2   0.14300   0.42600   0.09400   1.00000   0.00380
O3   0.64700   0.11900   0.60700   1.00000   0.00380
O4   0.61000   0.39200   0.09700   1.00000   0.00380