      Shi-bin X, Hai-fu F, Xiao-jing W, Fang-hua L
      Acta Crystallographica A46 (1990) 929-934
      Direct methods in superspace. II The first application to an unknown
      incommensurate modulated structure
      Note: this is the average structure, isomorphous with hollandite
      Note: y-coordinate of O2 altered from .248 to make regular TiO6 polyhedra
      Locality: Shiti barite deposit, Ankang County, Shaanxi, China
      _database_code_amcsd 0009328

      CELL PARAMETERS:   10.1200  10.1200   2.9600   90.000   90.000   90.000
      SPACE GROUP: I4/m      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    303.147
      Density (g/cm3):      4.101
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      33.77733539    
      RIR:      2.682
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                12.37         36.09        7.1559    1   1   0         4
                17.53          5.40        5.0600    2   0   0         4
                24.89         15.44        3.5780    2   2   0         4
                27.88         33.96        3.2002    3   1   0         4
                27.88         66.04        3.2002    1   3   0         4
                31.49          6.05        2.8410    1   0   1         8
                35.48         20.10        2.5300    4   0   0         4
                36.26         33.18        2.4772    1   2   1         8
                36.26          6.64        2.4772    2   1   1         8
                39.84          4.92        2.2629    4   2   0         4
                39.84          6.67        2.2629    2   4   0         4
                40.55         32.43        2.2249    3   0   1         8
                44.48          9.95        2.0367    3   2   1         8
                45.71          9.95        1.9847    5   1   0         4
                45.71          1.20        1.9847    1   5   0         4
                48.16         11.14        1.8894    4   1   1         8
                51.05          9.91        1.7890    4   4   0         4
                54.40          8.97        1.6867    6   0   0         4
                54.96          1.66        1.6708    4   3   1         8
                58.15         25.17        1.5865    2   5   1         8
                58.15          1.27        1.5865    5   2   1         8
                62.78          6.67        1.4800    0   0   2         2
                64.22          8.13        1.4503    6   1   1         8
                65.18          1.02        1.4312    5   5   0         4
                67.14         11.47        1.3942    5   4   1         8
                68.62          1.22        1.3676    2   2   2         8
                70.04          2.83        1.3433    3   1   2         8
                70.04          5.36        1.3433    1   3   2         8
                70.92          1.66        1.3288    3   7   0         4
                70.92          3.78        1.3288    7   3   0         4
                74.24          1.20        1.2775    4   0   2         8
                76.98          1.06        1.2386    2   4   2         8
                76.98          1.36        1.2386    4   2   2         8
                81.00          1.00        1.1870    5   6   1         8
                81.05          1.78        1.1864    5   1   2         8
                81.89          1.54        1.1764    5   7   0         4
                83.69          1.28        1.1556    1   8   1         8
                85.07          2.72        1.1404    4   4   2         8
                87.23          1.07        1.1176    1   9   0         4
                87.73          2.67        1.1125    6   0   2         8
                89.02          1.61        1.0997    3   8   1         8
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.