_chemical_name_mineral 'Lopezite'
'Weakley T J R'
'Ylvisaker E R'
'Yager R J'
'Stephens J E'
'Wiegel R D'
'Mengis M'
'Wu P'
'Photinos P'
'Abrahams S C'
_journal_name_full 'Acta Crystallographica, Section B'
_journal_volume 60 
_journal_year 2004
_journal_page_first 705
_journal_page_last 715
 Phase transitions in K2Cr3O7 and structural redetermination of phase II
 Sample: Crystal 1
_database_code_amcsd 0009931
_chemical_compound_source 'Synthetic'
_chemical_formula_sum 'Cr2 K2 O7'
_cell_length_a 7.3807
_cell_length_b 7.4593
_cell_length_c 13.3910
_cell_angle_alpha 96.205
_cell_angle_beta 98.033
_cell_angle_gamma 90.914
_cell_volume 725.368
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn      2.694
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P -1'
Cr1   0.59179   0.76891   0.60724
Cr2   0.79289   0.80674   0.41375
Cr3   0.81711   0.42584   0.11354
Cr4   0.81344   0.15250  -0.08323
K1   0.10341   0.66917   0.64038
K2   0.25001   0.76710   0.34950
K3   0.66252  -0.08518   0.15847
K4   0.69509   0.65240  -0.13583
O1   0.72010   0.61240   0.64937
O2   0.55500   0.91020   0.70198
O3   0.40240   0.68490   0.54525
O4   0.70760   0.89370   0.52700
O5   0.95950   0.67490   0.44295
O6   0.86870   0.97090   0.36065
O7   0.63450   0.69520   0.33667
O8   0.68910   0.29270   0.16402
O9   0.97570   0.51810   0.19989
O10   0.69480   0.57510   0.06114
O11   0.92990   0.29570   0.02274
O12   0.69190  -0.00060  -0.04330
O13   0.96000   0.06080  -0.14886
O14   0.67700   0.27380  -0.15168
Cr1 0.01900 0.02070 0.01860 0.00273 0.00384 0.00238
Cr2 0.01810 0.02030 0.01880 0.00215 0.00358 0.00476
Cr3 0.01920 0.01830 0.01850 -0.00111 0.00035 0.00206
Cr4 0.01710 0.01820 0.01970 0.00068 0.00301 0.00111
K1 0.03750 0.03150 0.02370 -0.00730 0.00200 0.00550
K2 0.03270 0.02730 0.02900 -0.00250 0.00940 0.00208
K3 0.02360 0.02430 0.02610 -0.00002 0.00360 0.00900
K4 0.03730 0.03020 0.02780 0.01020 0.00350 0.00230
O1 0.03280 0.03190 0.03800 0.00930 -0.00010 0.01000
O2 0.04340 0.03360 0.02940 0.00310 0.01620 -0.00290
O3 0.02640 0.04610 0.03380 -0.00430 -0.00200 0.00440
O4 0.03810 0.02480 0.02940 0.00100 0.01680 0.00270
O5 0.02720 0.03280 0.02740 0.01070 0.00320 0.00680
O6 0.04230 0.02800 0.03240 -0.00140 0.01090 0.01170
O7 0.02730 0.04380 0.03440 -0.00530 -0.00180 -0.00030
O8 0.03020 0.02900 0.03360 -0.00700 0.00840 0.00450
O9 0.03010 0.03660 0.02200 -0.01050 0.00000 -0.00100
O10 0.04070 0.03170 0.03100 0.01400 0.00240 0.00530
O11 0.01950 0.02690 0.02540 0.00000 0.00040 -0.00260
O12 0.03680 0.02450 0.02780 -0.00780 0.00550 0.00460
O13 0.02900 0.04310 0.03960 0.00670 0.01230 -0.00680
O14 0.02690 0.02490 0.02860 0.00220 -0.00160 0.00650