      Gies H
      Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 164 (1983) 247-257
      Studies on clathrasils. III. Crystal structure of
      melanophlogite, a natural clathrate compound of silica
      _database_code_amcsd 0010856

      CELL PARAMETERS:   13.4360  13.4360  13.4360   90.000   90.000   90.000
      SPACE GROUP: Pm3n      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:   2425.549
      Density (g/cm3):      1.964
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      11.63995537    
      RIR:      1.930
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                 9.31          8.93        9.5007    1   1   0        12
                13.18         15.33        6.7180    2   0   0         6
                14.74        100.00        6.0088    2   1   0        24
                16.16         76.42        5.4852    2   1   1        24
                20.91          2.98        4.2488    3   1   0        24
                22.93         36.60        3.8786    2   2   2         8
                23.88         22.75        3.7265    3   2   0        24
                24.79         91.79        3.5909    3   2   1        48
                26.54          2.35        3.3590    4   0   0         6
                27.37         24.99        3.2587    4   1   0        24
                28.18          1.03        3.1669    4   1   1        24
                28.18         15.67        3.1669    3   3   0        12
                30.49         12.84        2.9320    4   2   1        48
                31.22          4.69        2.8646    3   3   2        24
                32.65          2.01        2.7426    4   2   2        24
                33.34          2.38        2.6872    4   3   0        24
                34.02          1.19        2.6350    5   1   0        24
                36.00          9.74        2.4950    4   3   2        48
                37.88          1.53        2.3752    4   4   0        12
                39.09          7.88        2.3043    5   3   0        24
                39.09          3.25        2.3043    4   3   3        24
                39.69          2.31        2.2711    5   3   1        48
                40.27          3.80        2.2393    6   0   0         6
                40.85          1.02        2.2089    6   1   0        24
                41.43          4.47        2.1796    5   3   2        48
                43.66          3.80        2.0732    5   4   1        48
                45.27          2.34        2.0029    5   4   2        48
                45.80          2.86        1.9810    6   3   1        48
                46.85          2.99        1.9393    4   4   4         8
                47.87          1.91        1.9001    5   5   0        12
                49.88          2.36        1.8284    6   3   3        24
                53.25          2.89        1.7203    6   4   3        48
                53.25          3.63        1.7203    6   5   0        24
                53.72          1.86        1.7064    6   5   1        48
                55.11          1.27        1.6665    6   5   2        48
                55.57          1.67        1.6539    5   5   4        24
                55.57          1.90        1.6539    8   1   1        24
                57.38          3.14        1.6059    6   5   3        48
                58.27          1.08        1.5834    6   6   0        12
                58.27          3.28        1.5834    8   2   2        24
                58.71          1.17        1.5726    8   3   0        24
                59.15          1.27        1.5619    7   4   3        48
                59.15          1.51        1.5619    8   3   1        48
                60.03          1.14        1.5412    6   6   2        24
                64.29          2.27        1.4488    6   5   5        24
                65.13          1.26        1.4323    6   6   4        24
                65.54          1.16        1.4242    8   5   0        24
                65.96          3.62        1.4163    8   5   1        48
                65.96          1.89        1.4163    9   3   0        24
                68.41          1.27        1.3713    8   4   4        24
                69.22          2.72        1.3572    8   5   3        48
                70.03          1.23        1.3436   10   0   0         6
                70.43          1.77        1.3369    9   4   2        48
                71.62          1.91        1.3175    8   6   2        48
                72.42          1.32        1.3050    9   5   0        24
                79.81          2.98        1.2018    8   6   5        48
                80.19          2.22        1.1970    9   6   3        48
                82.48          1.49        1.1695    8   8   2        24
                83.24          2.01        1.1607   11   3   2        48
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.