      Effenberger H, Culetto F J, Topa D, Paar W H
      Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 215 (2000) 10-16
      The crystal structure of synthetic buckhornite, [Pb2BiS3][AuTe2]
      Locality: synthetic
      _database_code_amcsd 0011084

      CELL PARAMETERS:    4.1080  12.3080   9.3310   90.000   90.000   90.000
      SPACE GROUP: Pmmn      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    471.787
      Density (g/cm3):      8.247
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      215.6043312    
      RIR:      8.512
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                 9.48          4.96        9.3310    0   0   1         2
                14.39          4.60        6.1540    0   2   0         2
                17.26          5.00        5.1373    0   2   1         4
                19.02          2.40        4.6655    0   0   2         2
                23.66         40.75        3.7598    1   0   1         4
                23.69         38.46        3.7557    0   3   1         4
                23.93          9.41        3.7179    0   2   2         4
                24.76          2.28        3.5957    1   1   1         8
                28.70         67.59        3.1103    0   0   3         2
                28.96         15.98        3.0832    1   0   2         4
                28.98         17.76        3.0809    0   3   2         4
                29.62          3.27        3.0155    0   1   3         4
                30.80          7.50        2.9029    1   3   0         4
                32.25          1.47        2.7759    0   2   3         4
                32.30        100.00        2.7719    1   3   1         8
                36.24          1.18        2.4786    0   3   3         4
                36.45         64.12        2.4647    1   3   2         8
                39.17          1.30        2.3000    1   2   3         8
                41.46          1.06        2.1779    1   4   2         8
                42.60          3.17        2.1222    1   3   3         8
                42.83          3.09        2.1115    1   5   0         4
                43.97          4.99        2.0595    1   5   1         8
                44.09         20.88        2.0540    2   0   0         2
                44.15         17.31        2.0513    0   6   0         2
                44.67          8.80        2.0285    1   0   4         4
                44.69          7.41        2.0279    0   3   4         4
                45.31          2.28        2.0015    1   1   4         8
                47.18          1.21        1.9265    1   2   4         8
                47.25          1.20        1.9237    1   5   2         8
                50.17         21.37        1.8184    1   3   4         8
                50.65          8.16        1.8021    2   3   1         8
                50.70          8.21        1.8007    1   6   1         8
                50.78          2.10        1.7979    2   2   2         8
                51.15          2.22        1.7859    0   2   5         4
                52.37          3.02        1.7470    1   5   3         8
                53.46         18.99        1.7140    2   0   3         4
                53.51         15.61        1.7124    0   6   3         4
                53.63          5.26        1.7090    2   3   2         8
                53.67          4.85        1.7079    1   6   2         8
                53.97          1.54        1.6991    1   0   5         4
                53.98          2.08        1.6987    0   3   5         4
                58.83         10.70        1.5698    1   3   5         8
                59.00          3.81        1.5655    1   5   4         8
                59.43          4.54        1.5552    0   0   6         2
                59.95          1.10        1.5429    0   1   6         4
                61.04          1.20        1.5180    0   8   1         4
                63.69          1.97        1.4611    0   8   2         4
                64.16          9.02        1.4515    2   6   0         4
                64.58          3.83        1.4431    2   3   4         8
                64.62          4.12        1.4424    1   6   4         8
                69.36          1.29        1.3548    3   0   1         4
                69.46          1.20        1.3531    0   9   1         4
                69.78          1.41        1.3477    2   2   5         8
                71.76         10.35        1.3153    2   6   3         8
                72.16          1.35        1.3090    2   3   5         8
                72.19          1.13        1.3085    1   6   5         8
                73.63          5.98        1.2865    3   3   1         8
                73.72          3.58        1.2852    1   9   1         8
                74.89          1.31        1.2679    1   0   7         4
                76.06          4.87        1.2513    3   3   2         8
                76.15          2.83        1.2501    1   9   2         8
                76.89          3.43        1.2399    2   0   6         4
                76.93          2.74        1.2393    0   6   6         4
                79.05          2.64        1.2114    1   3   7         8
                80.71          1.65        1.1906    2   8   2         8
                80.99          1.27        1.1871    0   8   5         4
                85.58          3.12        1.1348    3   3   4         8
                85.67          1.84        1.1339    1   9   4         8
                85.99          1.08        1.1305    3   6   1         8
                86.04          1.06        1.1300    2   9   1         8
                86.30          1.57        1.1272    1   5   7         8
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.