      Shi N, Ma Z, Liu W
      Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica 10 (1991) 233-245
      Crystal structure determination of ankangite with one dimensional incommensurate modulation
      Locality: Shiti barite deposit, Ankang County, Shaanxi, China
      _database_code_amcsd 0018318

      CELL PARAMETERS:   10.1390  10.1390   2.9610   90.000   90.000   90.000
      SPACE GROUP: I4/m      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    304.389
      Density (g/cm3):      4.416
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      43.62634067    
      RIR:      3.217
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                17.49          6.57        5.0695    2   0   0         4
                24.84         19.31        3.5847    2   2   0         4
                27.83         65.55        3.2062    3   1   0         4
                27.83         34.45        3.2062    1   3   0         4
                31.48          5.11        2.8423    1   0   1         8
                35.41          3.67        2.5347    4   0   0         4
                36.23         11.20        2.4792    1   2   1         8
                36.23         31.05        2.4792    2   1   1         8
                39.76         11.65        2.2671    4   2   0         4
                39.76          4.89        2.2671    2   4   0         4
                40.50         31.33        2.2271    3   0   1         8
                44.43          4.94        2.0390    2   3   1         8
                45.62          5.24        1.9884    1   5   0         4
                48.10          6.08        1.8918    4   1   1         8
                48.10         18.52        1.8918    1   4   1         8
                50.95          3.61        1.7923    4   4   0         4
                52.64          2.39        1.7388    5   3   0         4
                54.29         19.79        1.6898    6   0   0         4
                58.05          6.09        1.5888    2   5   1         8
                58.05         21.07        1.5888    5   2   1         8
                62.76          5.85        1.4805    0   0   2         2
                64.11          3.28        1.4525    1   6   1         8
                64.24          1.15        1.4499    1   1   2         8
                65.70          1.97        1.4211    2   0   2         8
                67.02         16.19        1.3963    4   5   1         8
                67.02          2.54        1.3963    5   4   1         8
                69.87          1.24        1.3462    3   6   1         8
                70.00          2.77        1.3441    3   1   2         8
                70.77          2.56        1.3313    7   3   0         4
                70.77          3.75        1.3313    3   7   0         4
                74.17          2.39        1.2784    4   0   2         8
                75.55          1.31        1.2586    3   3   2         8
                80.36          2.88        1.1949    6   6   0         4
                87.03          2.63        1.1197    9   1   0         4
                87.62          4.49        1.1136    6   0   2         8
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.