      Kang H Y, Lee W C, Wang S L
      Inorganic Chemistry 31 (1992) 4743-4748
      Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterization of four layered
      vanadyl(IV) phosphate hydrates A(VO)2(PO4)2*4H2O (A=Co,Ca,Sr,Pb)
      Locality: synthetic
      _database_code_amcsd 0012704

      CELL PARAMETERS:    6.2640   6.2640  13.4280   90.000   90.000   90.000
      SPACE GROUP: I4/mmm    
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    526.884
      Density (g/cm3):      2.816
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      14.55339693    
      RIR:      1.683
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                13.19        100.00        6.7140    0   0   2         2
                15.61         34.81        5.6767    1   0   1         8
                20.05         25.43        4.4293    1   1   0         4
                24.07          7.74        3.6972    1   1   2         8
                24.44         77.86        3.6418    1   0   3         8
                26.55         48.51        3.3570    0   0   4         2
                28.50         74.64        3.1320    2   0   0         4
                31.52         67.15        2.8384    2   0   2         8
                32.65         29.62        2.7423    2   1   1        16
                33.49          5.95        2.6754    1   1   4         8
                36.40          2.23        2.4683    1   0   5         8
                39.34         20.06        2.2901    2   0   4         8
                40.30          5.64        2.2380    0   0   6         2
                40.74         20.16        2.2147    2   2   0         4
                45.40          3.15        1.9975    1   1   6         8
                45.81         21.95        1.9809    3   1   0         8
                46.86          2.19        1.9386    2   1   5        16
                48.08         19.19        1.8922    3   0   3         8
                49.29         29.18        1.8486    2   2   4         8
                49.71         20.19        1.8342    1   0   7         8
                50.10          1.63        1.8209    2   0   6         8
                53.16          4.26        1.7230    3   2   1        16
                53.73          3.61        1.7060    3   1   4        16
                55.77          4.02        1.6484    3   0   5         8
                56.85          7.02        1.6196    3   2   3        16
                58.30         16.53        1.5828    2   1   7        16
                58.65          1.33        1.5742    2   2   6         8
                58.98         16.69        1.5660    4   0   0         4
                60.73          5.13        1.5251    4   0   2         8
                61.42          2.26        1.5096    4   1   1        16
                62.63          8.31        1.4833    3   1   6        16
                62.81          1.96        1.4794    2   0   8         8
                62.95          4.11        1.4764    3   3   0         4
                64.81          3.47        1.4386    4   1   3        16
                65.81          7.52        1.4192    4   0   4         8
                66.15          6.68        1.4126    3   0   7         8
                66.79          9.06        1.4007    4   2   0         8
                68.42          3.65        1.3712    4   2   2        16
                70.38          9.05        1.3377    2   2   8         8
                71.66          3.12        1.3169    2   1   9        16
                73.22          9.46        1.2927    4   2   4        16
                73.55          9.36        1.2877    3   2   7        16
                73.73          1.63        1.2850    1   1  10         8
                77.44          2.29        1.2324    3   3   6         8
                79.44          3.15        1.2064    4   3   3        16
                80.09          1.71        1.1982    1   0  11         8
                80.68          6.40        1.1910    4   1   7        16
                83.40          1.18        1.1589    5   2   1        16
                87.08          6.31        1.1191    2   1  11        16
                87.83          3.42        1.1115    3   1  10        16
                88.25          2.85        1.1073    4   4   0         4
                89.76          1.31        1.0926    4   4   2         8
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.