      Verwey E J W, Heilmann E L
      Journal of Chemical Physics 15 (1947) 174-180
      Physical properties and cation arrangement of oxides with spinel structures
      Locality: synthetic
      _database_code_amcsd 0012952

      CELL PARAMETERS:    8.2730   8.2730   8.2730   90.000   90.000   90.000
      SPACE GROUP: Fd3m      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    566.225
      Density (g/cm3):      4.754
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      64.94505028    
      RIR:      4.448
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                18.58          2.04        4.7764    1   1   1         8
                30.56         42.31        2.9249    2   2   0        12
                36.01        100.00        2.4944    3   1   1        24
                37.66          2.27        2.3882    2   2   2         8
                43.77         15.08        2.0682    4   0   0         6
                54.32         13.04        1.6887    4   2   2        24
                57.92         28.91        1.5921    5   1   1        24
                57.92          5.05        1.5921    3   3   3         8
                63.62         41.93        1.4625    4   4   0        12
                72.22          4.43        1.3081    6   2   0        24
                75.33          8.56        1.2616    5   3   3        24
                76.36          2.16        1.2472    6   2   2        24
                80.42          1.69        1.1941    4   4   4         8
                88.43          5.36        1.1055    6   4   2        48
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.