      Schuch A F, Mills R L
      Journal of Chemical Physics 52 (1970) 6000-6008
      Crystal structures of the three modifications of nitrogen 14 and
      nitrogen 15 at high pressure
      Locality: synthetic
      Sample: at T = 49 K and P = .4180 GPa
      Note: beta phase
      _database_code_amcsd 0013000

      CELL PARAMETERS:    3.8610   3.8610   6.2650   90.000   90.000  120.000
      SPACE GROUP: P6_3/mmc  
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:     80.882
      Density (g/cm3):      1.150
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      9.972442343    
      RIR:      2.823
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                26.66         34.99        3.3437    1   0   0         6
                28.49          7.57        3.1325    0   0   2         2
                30.30        100.00        2.9499    1   0   1        12
                39.42          3.52        2.2860    1   0   2        12
                47.07         16.72        1.9305    1   1   0         6
                54.92          2.10        1.6719    2   0   0         6
                55.95          3.11        1.6435    1   1   2        12
                57.01          7.70        1.6153    2   0   1        12
                75.18          1.01        1.2638    2   1   0        12
                76.97          3.96        1.2389    2   1   1        24
                78.67          1.19        1.2163    1   1   4        12
                82.15          1.82        1.1733    1   0   5        12
                87.53          1.11        1.1146    3   0   0         6
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.