      Demichelis R, Noel Y, Zicovich-Wilson C M, Roetti C, Valenzano L, Dovesi R
      Journal of Physics: Conference Series 117 (2008) 012013-012013
      Ab-initio quantum mechanical study of akdalaite (5Al2O3*H2O):
      Structure and vibrational spectrum,
      Locality: Theoretical structure
      _database_code_amcsd 0013284

      CELL PARAMETERS:    5.6153   5.6153   8.8249   90.000   90.000  120.000
      SPACE GROUP: P31c      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    240.983
      Density (g/cm3):      3.637
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      8.694911539    
      RIR:      0.779
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                18.24          7.18        4.8630    1   0   0         6
                20.12         42.21        4.4124    0   0   2         1
                20.86         12.69        4.2591    1   0   1         6
                27.29         59.47        3.2678    1   0   2         6
                31.87         11.99        2.8077    1   1   0         3
                35.67         61.18        2.5170    1   0   3         6
                36.97         10.99        2.4315    2   0   0         6
                37.99         37.04        2.3688    2  -1   2         3
                37.99         37.02        2.3688    1   1   2         3
                38.40         44.54        2.3441    2   0   1         6
                40.90          5.32        2.2062    0   0   4         1
                42.45        100.00        2.1296    2   0   2         6
                45.13          1.47        2.0091    1   0   4         6
                48.58         41.84        1.8741    2   0   3         6
                49.60          1.33        1.8380    2   1   0         6
                52.77          1.24        1.7347    2  -1   4         3
                52.77          1.24        1.7347    1   1   4         3
                54.05          6.79        1.6967    3  -1   2         6
                54.05          6.79        1.6967    2   1   2         6
                55.38          3.43        1.6591    1   0   5         6
                56.31         24.44        1.6339    2   0   4         6
                56.79          1.65        1.6210    3   0   0         6
                59.28         20.12        1.5588    3  -1   3         6
                59.28         20.11        1.5588    2   1   3         6
                60.88         16.36        1.5216    3   0   2         6
                63.22          3.84        1.4708    0   0   6         1
                65.33         70.61        1.4283    2   0   5         6
                66.62         70.77        1.4038    2   2   0         3
                70.38          2.66        1.3378    4  -2   2         3
                70.38          2.66        1.3378    2   2   2         3
                73.41          2.63        1.2898    4  -1   2         6
                73.41          2.63        1.2898    3   1   2         6
                74.54          1.64        1.2731    2   1   5         6
                74.54          1.64        1.2731    3  -1   5         6
                75.55          6.03        1.2585    2   0   6         6
                77.92          5.54        1.2260    4  -1   3         6
                77.92          5.54        1.2260    3   1   3         6
                78.35          5.38        1.2204    1   0   7         6
                78.71          1.89        1.2157    4   0   0         6
                79.60          5.55        1.2044    4   0   1         6
                82.26          5.58        1.1721    4   0   2         6
                86.65          4.48        1.1236    4   0   3         6
                87.07          3.30        1.1192    2   0   7         6
                88.67          2.79        1.1031    0   0   8         1
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.