Frank-Kamenetskaya O V, Rozhdestvenskaya I V, Yanulova L A
Journal of Structural Chemistry 43 (2002) 89-100
New data on the crystal structures of colusites and arsenosulvanites
Locality: Butte, Montana, USA
Sample: 2
_database_code_amcsd 0014061
10.600 10.600 10.600 90 90 90 P-43n
atom      x     y     z occ  Uiso
CuT'1     0     0     0 .75  .002
CuT2    .25     0    .5 .92  .022
CuT3  .2569     0     0      .022
CuT4  .2498 .2498 .2498 .79 .0172
VT'2      0     0    .5  .3  .090
AsT1    .25    .5     0  .7  .017
SbT1    .25    .5     0 .08  .017
SnT1    .25    .5     0 .02  .017
GeT1    .25    .5     0  .2  .017
S1    .1223 .1223 .1223     .0200
S2    .1186 .3676 .3764     .0070