Biagioni C, Bonaccorsi E, Moelo Y, Orlandi P, Bindi L, D'Orazio M, Vezzoni S
Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 101-117
Mercury-arsenic sulfosalts from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy).
II. Arsiccioite, AgHg2TlAs2S6, a new mineral from the Monte Arsiccio mine:
occurrence, crystal structure and crystal chemistry of the routhierite isotypic series
Note: sample A
Locality: Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0020024
10.1386 10.1386 11.3441 90 90 90 I-42m
atom      x      y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Tl1       0      0   .345 .36  .043   .056   .056   .017  -.010      0      0
Tl2    .026  -.026  .3588 .64  .043   .056   .056   .017  -.010      0      0
HgM1      0     .5    .75 .65 .0396  .0295  .0295  .0597      0      0      0
AgM1      0     .5    .75 .14 .0396  .0295  .0295  .0597      0      0      0
CuM1      0     .5    .75 .13 .0396  .0295  .0295  .0597      0      0      0
ZnM1      0     .5    .75 .08 .0396  .0295  .0295  .0597      0      0      0
HgM2 .22008     .5     .5 .63 .0339  .0452  .0327  .0238      0      0 -.0050
AgM2 .22008     .5     .5 .37 .0339  .0452  .0327  .0238      0      0 -.0050
As   .25816 .25816 .25354 .79 .0225  .0235  .0235  .0204  .0031 -.0032 -.0032
Sb   .25816 .25816 .25354 .21 .0225  .0235  .0235  .0204  .0031 -.0032 -.0032
S1    .0949  .3284  .3797     .0244   .026   .026   .021  -.002   .005  -.008
S2    .1232  .1232  .1428     .0220   .025   .025   .016  -.002  -.003  -.003