      Biagioni C, Bonaccorsi E, Moelo Y, Orlandi P, Bindi L, D'Orazio M, Vezzoni S
      Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 101-117
      Mercury-arsenic sulfosalts from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy).
      II. Arsiccioite, AgHg2TlAs2S6, a new mineral from the Monte Arsiccio mine:
      occurrence, crystal structure and crystal chemistry of the routhierite isotypic series
      Note: sample A
      Locality: Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy
      _database_code_amcsd 0020024

      CELL PARAMETERS:   10.1386  10.1386  11.3441   90.000   90.000   90.000
      SPACE GROUP: I-42m     
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:   1166.074
      Density (g/cm3):      6.770
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      166.0379442    
      RIR:      7.986
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                11.71          3.88        7.5595    1   0   1         8
                12.35          4.42        7.1691    1   1   0         4
                15.62          1.73        5.6720    0   0   2         2
                17.49         28.59        5.0693    2   0   0         4
                21.10        100.00        4.2103    2   1   1         8
                24.84         11.94        3.5845    2   2   0         4
                25.14         42.51        3.5430    1   0   3         8
                27.83          9.94        3.2061    3   1   0         8
                29.48         97.26        3.0302    2   2   2         4
                30.79          2.05        2.9040    2   1   3         8
                31.55          1.27        2.8360    0   0   4         2
                32.07          6.87        2.7911    3   1   2         8
                32.81         17.78        2.7293    3   2   1         8
                33.99         25.98        2.6372    1   1   4         4
                35.41         28.47        2.5347    4   0   0         4
                35.63         35.83        2.5198    3   0   3         8
                36.30          6.70        2.4750    2   0   4         8
                37.42          2.68        2.4032    4   1   1         8
                37.64          3.63        2.3897    3   3   0         4
                39.76          3.49        2.2671    4   2   0         8
                39.96          6.46        2.2564    3   2   3         8
                40.56          2.90        2.2241    2   2   4         4
                40.75          2.63        2.2141    1   0   5         8
                40.98          4.77        2.2022    3   3   2         4
                42.56         16.51        2.1242    3   1   4         8
                43.92         14.16        2.0614    4   1   3         8
                44.66          3.10        2.0290    2   1   5         8
                45.44          1.53        1.9961    4   3   1         8
                48.15          9.89        1.8899    4   0   4         8
                48.32          4.47        1.8837    3   0   5         8
                49.05         14.83        1.8573    5   2   1         8
                49.88          3.32        1.8282    1   1   6         4
                49.90          1.28        1.8274    3   3   4         4
                50.95         11.97        1.7923    4   4   0         4
                51.11          1.46        1.7870    5   0   3         8
                51.11          7.98        1.7870    4   3   3         8
                51.59          1.58        1.7715    2   0   6         8
                51.61          4.82        1.7708    4   2   4         8
                54.90          5.19        1.6723    2   2   6         4
                55.74          4.25        1.6491    6   1   1         8
                56.51          5.38        1.6286    3   1   6         8
                56.53          9.29        1.6281    5   1   4         8
                57.49          2.34        1.6031    6   2   0         8
                59.97         11.43        1.5426    6   2   2         8
                60.69          5.94        1.5260    2   1   7         8
                61.17          1.23        1.5151    4   4   4         4
                61.31          1.15        1.5119    4   3   5         8
                62.66          3.70        1.4827    3   3   6         4
                62.67          3.50        1.4823    5   3   4         8
                64.29          1.73        1.4488    5   2   5         8
                65.87          2.72        1.4180    0   0   8         2
                66.60          2.48        1.4041    3   2   7         8
                67.36          1.07        1.3901    7   1   2         8
                69.50          1.45        1.3525    7   0   3         8
                73.00          1.74        1.2960    7   3   2         8
                73.42          1.26        1.2897    6   5   1         8
                74.08          1.13        1.2798    5   3   6         8
                74.10          2.99        1.2796    5   5   4         4
                74.93          1.36        1.2673    8   0   0         4
                77.06          2.29        1.2375    4   0   8         8
                77.76          2.79        1.2282    5   2   7         8
                78.17          2.03        1.2227    6   2   6         8
                80.49          2.17        1.1933    7   4   3         8
                82.50          1.33        1.1692    6   6   2         4
                84.88          1.32        1.1425    7   1   6         8
                85.70          1.05        1.1335    8   4   0         8
                87.77          2.01        1.1120    4   4   8         4
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.