Nd1.8 Ni O3.72 Sr0.2
      Medarde M, Rodriguez-Carvajal J, Vallet-Regi M, Gonzalez-Calbet J, Alonso J
      Physical Review B - Condensed Matter 49 (1994) 8591-8599
      Crystal structure and microstructure of Nd1.8 Sr0.2 NiO3.72: a K2 Ni F4-
      type nickelate with monoclinic symmetry and ordered oxygen vacancies
      _cod_database_code 1006140
      _database_code_amcsd 0015288

      CELL PARAMETERS:    5.3578   5.4394  12.2500   90.000   90.000   90.788
      SPACE GROUP: B2/n      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    356.971
      Density (g/cm3):      7.350
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      95.71123860    
      RIR:      4.240
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                14.46          5.40        6.1250    0   0   2         2
                21.85          1.33        4.0669    0   1   2         4
                24.27         28.58        3.6670    1  -1   1         4
                24.58         24.17        3.6213    1   1   1         4
                29.16         26.96        3.0625    0   0   4         2
                31.98         97.56        2.7986    1  -1   3         4
                32.22        100.00        2.7781    1   1   3         4
                32.94         72.75        2.7194    0   2   0         2
                33.45         73.23        2.6786    2   0   0         2
                43.82         20.04        2.0659    1  -1   5         4
                44.01         20.87        2.0576    1   1   5         4
                44.37         15.32        2.0417    0   0   6         2
                44.56         25.43        2.0335    0   2   4         4
                44.96         25.30        2.0162    2   0   4         4
                47.30         31.78        1.9216   -2   2   0         2
                48.00         30.21        1.8954    2   2   0         2
                52.65          1.17        1.7384    0   3   2         4
                53.67          2.63        1.7077   -1   3   1         4
                54.15          2.83        1.6937    1   3   1         4
                54.37          2.35        1.6874    3  -1   1         4
                54.84          2.53        1.6739    3   1   1         4
                56.35          8.10        1.6327    0   2   6         4
                56.54          6.75        1.6277    2  -2   4         4
                56.69          8.46        1.6238    2   0   6         4
                57.15          6.49        1.6117    2   2   4         4
                57.90          8.20        1.5927    1  -1   7         4
                58.05          7.76        1.5889    1   1   7         4
                58.06         16.70        1.5886   -1   3   3         4
                58.51         15.69        1.5774    1   3   3         4
                58.72         15.08        1.5723    3  -1   3         4
                59.17         14.16        1.5614    3   1   3         4
                60.46          7.20        1.5312    0   0   8         2
                66.28          4.36        1.4102   -1   3   5         4
                66.70          4.06        1.4023    1   3   5         4
                66.86          6.49        1.3993    2  -2   6         4
                66.89          4.65        1.3987    3  -1   5         4
                67.31          4.34        1.3910    3   1   5         4
                67.42          6.29        1.3891    2   2   6         4
                69.08          7.22        1.3597    0   4   0         2
                70.28          7.76        1.3393    4   0   0         2
                70.59          6.40        1.3343    0   2   8         4
                70.89          6.11        1.3294    2   0   8         4
                76.68          2.11        1.2427    0   4   4         4
                77.75          2.64        1.2283   -1   3   7         4
                77.84          2.24        1.2271    4   0   4         4
                78.14          2.70        1.2231    1   3   7         4
                78.20          5.64        1.2223    3  -3   3         4
                78.33          2.64        1.2207    3  -1   7         4
                78.44          3.58        1.2192   -2   4   0         2
                78.72          2.70        1.2156    3   1   7         4
                79.30          3.85        1.2081   -4   2   0         2
                79.38          5.53        1.2071    3   3   3         4
                79.49          3.43        1.2058    2   4   0         2
                80.14          5.44        1.1975    2  -2   8         4
                80.35          3.69        1.1950    4   2   0         2
                80.67          5.33        1.1911    2   2   8         4
                85.54          1.73        1.1352    3  -3   5         4
                85.77          2.25        1.1328   -2   4   4         4
                85.87          2.37        1.1317    0   4   6         4
                86.62          2.34        1.1238    4  -2   4         4
                86.70          1.73        1.1230    3   3   5         4
                86.81          2.17        1.1220    2   4   4         4
                87.01          2.71        1.1199    4   0   6         4
                87.65          2.26        1.1133    4   2   4         4
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.