      Garcia Casado P, Rasines I
      Polyhedron 5 (1986) 787-789
      Preparation and crystal data of the spinel series Co1+2sCr2-3sSb3O4
      Sample: s = 2/3, Co2.333Sb.667O4
      _database_code_amcsd 0015312

      CELL PARAMETERS:    8.5330   8.5330   8.5330   90.000   90.000   90.000
      SPACE GROUP: Fd3m      
      X-RAY WAVELENGTH:     1.541838
      Cell Volume:    621.306
      Density (g/cm3):      6.043
      MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2:      131.7620176    
      RIR:      7.099
      RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739
               2-THETA      INTENSITY    D-SPACING   H   K   L   Multiplicity
                18.01         22.16        4.9265    1   1   1         8
                29.61         20.57        3.0169    2   2   0        12
                34.87        100.00        2.5728    3   1   1        24
                36.48         18.48        2.4633    2   2   2         8
                42.37         23.70        2.1332    4   0   0         6
                46.38          2.47        1.9576    3   3   1        24
                52.54          6.78        1.7418    4   2   2        24
                56.00         26.21        1.6422    5   1   1        24
                56.00          6.14        1.6422    3   3   3         8
                61.47         39.42        1.5084    4   4   0        12
                64.62          3.03        1.4423    5   3   1        48
                69.70          2.39        1.3492    6   2   0        24
                72.66          8.84        1.3013    5   3   3        24
                73.64          7.55        1.2864    6   2   2        24
                77.50          3.31        1.2316    4   4   4         8
                80.36          1.06        1.1949    5   5   1        24
                85.08          2.69        1.1403    6   4   2        48
                87.89          5.51        1.1109    5   5   3        24
                87.89          8.36        1.1109    7   3   1        48
       XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs
  For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.